Published at 24th of May 2024 05:16:14 AM

Chapter 101: (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

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Chapter 101 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

Augusto? Oh, the word she used to call that man earlier is his name. Sounds like a name of a coffee machine. Monica looks excitedly towards the kitchen.

Uncles Osso buco is the best in the world, so look forward to it.

Whats that?

Its a dish where veal shanks from the back leg are cooked slowly with white wine, and the marrow in the shinbone is not removed, which makes the broth rich and the meat tender.

Oh, a meat dish. And looking at the cooking method, it seems like a dish Koreans would love.

I'm looking forward to it.

In Europe, its common to wait at least an hour for food after ordering. I sat down comfortably, expecting the same here. However, perhaps because the dish requires long cooking and had been prepared in advance, it arrived surprisingly quickly.

Uncle Augusto fires off a rapid-fire rap, and Monica responds in kind with her own speedy rap, which to me, seems quite unfamiliar. Uncle points to a tomato-colored sauce and gestures for me to try it. I scoop some with my fork and put it on the meat and vegetables, looking at Uncle for confirmation.

He nods, and upon tasting it, I smile broadly.


It's not just a comment. It really is delicious.

I wonder if they dont sell this in Korea? Nowadays, there seems to be nothing you cant find there. I should look it up later.

As I give a thumbs-up to Uncle Augusto, who's eagerly anticipating my reaction, he laughs heartily and pats my shoulder. Hmm, Italians do seem to enjoy physical touch.

Once the meal begins, Uncle Augusto briefly steps away and then returns with dessert, joining us at the table and starting a lively chat. But I couldnt understand a word.

Still, it would be rude to show my boredom.

Monica has come to her hometown for the first time in 10 years and is catching up with an old acquaintance, so I can understand the lengthy conversation.

But my patience soon wears thin.

Holding my forehead, I sigh under the deluge of rapid conversation.

He talks so much!

It's been an hour already.

Monica starts to notice my restlessness, but Uncle Augusto shows no sign of stopping.

Monica leads the way, saying, Our accommodation is behind the cathedral over there.

I follow Monica to our lodging.

It's a two-story house situated just below a hill, behind the cathedral, up a slope next to it.

Entering the house, there's a slightly chilly feeling. Monica, setting down her bag, says, This place has been empty for a long time, but electricity and gas are connected. The bedroom is on the second floor.

Its a small house with a kitchen, living room, and bathroom on the first floor.

Though slightly bigger than the basement studio I used to live in, the two-story division makes the space seem ample.

Where will you be staying, Monica?

Ill be at a house near the village entrance. Theres no parking here. I have to go to the factory site every day, and staying here would be too inconvenient.

Then why didnt she arrange for me to stay near there too?

Noticing my puzzled look, Monica smiles.

Youll see how nice this house is once the sun sets. Ill go and rest now, call me if you need anything.

Thanks for everything, Monica.

After Monica left, I went upstairs to unpack my bags, then returned downstairs and decided to take a shower first.

Fortunately, there was plenty of hot water. After a refreshing shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and went to the living room, where I noticed the moonlight streaming in through the large open window and walked over to it.

And there, in front of the large window, I smiled at the sight of the big full moon.

So, that's why she gave me this place.

The full moon was clearly visible, unobstructed by anything.

The view from this window was unique in the village, offering an unobstructed view of the sky. I wiped my face with the towel and laughed emptily.

A deserted village, and now a full moon too. It's like something out of a legend.

Somehow, it feels like tonight might be a bit eerie.

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