Published at 24th of May 2024 05:18:42 AM

Chapter 17: (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

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Chapter 17 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

The next day, 9:40 a.m. in front of MG Electronics headquarters.

I came to Yeouido for the first time.

Unless you're a celebrity, a politician, or someone who works here, there's only one reason to visit Yeouido. Cherry blossom festival. But I've never been to a cherry blossom festival in my life. I didn't have the luxury.

I took the bus that came to Yeouido by searching the internet and arrived a little early. I looked up at the MG Electronics headquarters building that seemed to pierce the sky. I feel overwhelmed just by looking at the building.

Then, someone called me from behind.

"Mr. Ban Jeong-hoon?"

I was surprised by the sudden appearance of my name and turned around. Lee Soo-young, who was on her way to work, was wearing a suit, a coat, and a bag.


"Ah, you came early."

"I happened to come a little early."

"That's a good habit. Well, shall we go in together?"

Lee Soo-young got my temporary pass from the information center and said as we got on the elevator.

Monica, who was wearing a red suit and drinking coffee by the window, saw me and smiled.

"Do you speak English?"

What, you only spoke Italian.

"Yes, I do."

"Good, sit down. Coffee?"

"No, I'm fine."

I sat down on the sofa next to Lee Soo-young and straightened my back. I can't help but be nervous because there's a huge amount of money at stake depending on what I do now.

Monica went to the desk and brought two papers. I swallowed my saliva as I saw the papers she was bringing from afar.

One is the picture I submitted to the contest, and the other is the portrait I drew.

Monica laid the two papers in front of me and looked at me sharply and said.

"Let me be blunt, I can't believe that these two pictures are by the same painter."

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