Published at 24th of May 2024 05:18:33 AM

Chapter 22: (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

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Chapter 22 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

The value of a talented painter's work increases over time.

If someone gave me a time machine and I could go back to the time of Van Gogh, I'd probably empty my studio deposit to buy all the paintings he put out on the street. Even if not right away, I could sell them later for tens of thousands of times their value.

Hugging the sales contract to my chest, I smiled happily

I stared blankly at the six yellow bills inside the ATM machine and then burst into laughter.

Without realizing it, I started to wiggle my hips when I caught the bank security guard giving me a strange look. Hurriedly gathering the money without even counting it, I ran out of the bank and sat on a nearby bench, where I recounted the 300,000 won five times.

"Uhaha, uhaha."

The person who comes to mind in my happiest moments.

I wanted to see my dad's face smiling down from heaven, so I looked up. The harsh sunlight made me squint, but it didn't matter. I was too happy today.

"Dad! You're watching, right?"

Your son has finally done it.

I don't know if I can keep it up, but I've taken the first step.

Mom would be happy, right? You too, Dad?

I kept my promise to you, Dad. Will you praise me?

All I want is a word from you.

Good job, my son. You're brave.

Just to hear that. But I'll never hear my dad's voice again. A somber mood briefly surfaces, but is soon suppressed by my joy.

I called my mom first.

"Mom! Your second son."

-Oh, our Junghoon. What's up? You sound cheerful.

"Mom, let's have dinner together tonight."

-What? Sure. What time will you be home?

"Not home, let's go out."New novel chapters are published on

-Why spend unnecessary money? Let's just eat at home.

"I'll buy beef today."

'Will I fall asleep again, even though I'm not tired?'

The gallery wouldn't force me to dream.

The moment when the constellations of the twelve zodiac signs stop could also be a kind of hallucination that I created myself.

Perhaps it's a process to justify the dreams I want to have?

Anyway, everything I've experienced is probably the desire hidden within my subconscious.

Most of the time, I came here exhausted from painting portraits all day. So, it's natural to doze off.

But today, I'm not sleepy at all. I was tense yesterday, so my body feels languid, but I don't want to sleep more.

I was gazing at the program, resting my chin in my hand.

Then, the Zodiac paintings began to appear on the wall.

It seems I wont dream today. There will be another chance later, right?

As I looked at the Zodiac paintings with a half-resigned expression, the lights started to come on in the constellations. It seems it wasnt an illusion; I must have fallen asleep watching them.

Then, all the lights blinked, and Pisces lit up.

At that moment, I dropped my head slightly, like dozing off while studying.

What? Sleepy again after 12 hours of sleep?

When I raised my head and looked forward, I found myself standing in Alphonse Muchas bedroom.

Here again.

Surely, this isnt real, right?

The vitamins Youngju gave me to eat werent just nutrients but hallucinogens, were they? No, that cant be it, right?

"Cough! Cough!!"

Harsh coughing sounds.

Awakened by the rough coughs that seemed to nearly choke the breath, I quickly checked the calendar in the dark room. Seeing the date on the calendar, I scrunched up my face and clutched my forehead.

July 13, 1939.

It's the day before Alphonse Mucha's death.

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