Published at 24th of May 2024 05:18:07 AM

Chapter 38: (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

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Chapter 38 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

Suddenly, I recall my last meeting with Teacher Alphonse Mucha.

Looking back, I realize I was someone without real talent.

I was rejected within five minutes during my interview at the Prague School of Fine Arts.

The interviewer told me, "There are countless people who can draw well, and the market's money is limited. You should choose a profession that can earn more money."

I blamed myself for losing hope too quickly, more than my past arrogance of overestimating my talent.

Even such a great artist as Mucha had heard such words in his youth. What was I, despairing over a few failures and years?

I look intently at the painting covered with cloth, recalling the professor's last words.

Art should never be far away.

It's art where my eyes reach, where beauty is visible.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

I always wanted art to be a part of people's lives,

To give them the chance to shape their own lives.

I always did what I loved.

But I wanted to serve others with my talent.

I always wanted to do something helpful for the world.

The purpose of my last work was not destruction but to rebuild and unite.

I hoped humanity would lead each other through this, understanding each other more.

Has my life been of any help to humanity?

The reason I recall my last conversation with my teacher while looking at this painting is because the thoughts I learned from the teacher are melted into it. However, whether that heart, that feeling, will be conveyed to the client is unknown.

As I was lost in thought, I felt a presence from the corridor. The tension of presenting the painting in front of Madam suddenly made me rise awkwardly, but the sight of the people, no, the group that appeared, made me freeze.

'Oh my, Chairman Yoo and President Yoo Min-young as well.'

It would have been nice if they had mentioned wanting to see the painting beforehand.

Suddenly, I found myself holding a demonstration in front of many people. Chairman Yoo extends his hand to me, who stands awkwardly like a pageboy.

Yoo Chang-hyun.

Huh? Ah, yes. Ban Jung-hoon.

I wonder why?

I only heard about the chairman in stories, but I feel a fondness in his gaze from the first meeting.

Min-young slightly nods her head and then sits on the sofa, linking arms with Madam Kang, and says,

You know you spent more than double the requested time, right?

A portrait artist painting with imagination?

I look at the quiet people and say,

Artists are often said to imprison time on the canvas. Thats true in the case of realistic art. Because the time in the painting is forever stopped. But even then, there is imagination. Trees that werent there appear, and the sun and moon that couldnt exist at the time the artist was painting show up. Then where does this imagination come from?

Silence falls again.

I look intently at Min-young.

She must know the answer, having majored in painting even in Florence University.

Receiving my gaze, Min-young answers softly.

Its the void of reality.


I smile broadly and look at Chairman Yoo. He looks utterly bewildered, not understanding anything about art.

I ask him.

Chairman, do you know the Girl with a Pearl Earring?

A very famous painting.

The chairman nods.

"I like that painting. I was curious about the story behind it, so I even looked up the movie."

"The one with Scarlett Johansson?"


"Could you briefly summarize the story in the painting?"

Chairman Yoo thinks for a moment and then speaks, "The painter's daughter, unable to work due to illness, becomes a maid in a famous painter's house. She converses with the painter, having been close to art since childhood because of her father. The painter, taken with the maid, paints her portrait and eventually lets her wear his wife's pearl earrings. The wife, discovering this, drives them both out. After the painter's death, the earrings are sent to the girl, that's the story."

I smiled faintly and said, "You have a very good memory, Chairman."

"Hehe, I don't easily forget what I've seen once."

I looked at the Chairman, who seemed somewhat proud, and then spoke.

"Do you also know this?"

"Yes, if it's about the movie, I remember everything, so ask away."

I observed the Chairman, who was inviting me to ask anything with his eyes, and then said, "Everything you just mentioned about the movie is a lie."

The eyes of Chairman Yoo, who had been watching me, shook violently.

"Excuse me?"

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