Published at 24th of May 2024 05:18:04 AM

Chapter 39: (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

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Chapter 39 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

Puzzlement simultaneously appears on the faces of those present.

Naturally, it would be surprising to suddenly address someone else's esteemed mother as your own.

"I saw my mother in you, Madam Kang," I explained, having pondered this point for quite some time.

There were hardly any commonalities between my mother, who endured a lifetime of hardships, and the dignified lady of a wealthy household.

I added with a slight smile, "My mother is the queen of questions. If you're with her for an hour, she'll be asking questions the whole time."

Minyoung bursts out laughing and wraps her arm around Mrs. Kang's, saying, "Ha! My mom is like that too."

"Really? What kind of questions does she ask?"

"Well, the usual stuff, like whether you've eaten or slept well."

"That's right. If you say yes to 'Have you eaten?', what comes next?"

"What did you eat?"

"And if you answer that?"

"Was it good? Are there any nice restaurants nearby? This ingredient isn't in season now, so try something else. It goes on like that."

I snapped my fingers and laughed, "My mom's the same. Perhaps all mothers are like that endlessly curious about everything around their children, always anxious if they haven't done enough for them."

I looked back at Mrs. Kang and continued, "I know your initial questions weren't out of concern for me. But as you learned about my situation, you genuinely started to worry. That's probably why I felt like you were mother-like. The love of a mother, melting into those many questions."

I reached for the veil again, saying, "These days, men... Well, it's hard to say it's only men, but anyway. Men often speak ill of women. They criticize those who, despite having no money themselves, only go after men with money, or they call them thoughtless. And it's the same with middle-aged women. Many men criticize the way some women aggressively push through crowds in the subway to find a seat."

I turned around to face the painting and said, "But no man ever speaks ill of the woman called 'mother'."Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Holding the veil tightly, I looked at Mrs. Kang and declared, "And in conversing with you, Madam Kang, and hearing you talk about your children, I saw how your eyes lit up, how infinite love shone through them. And I wondered, how can I capture the essence of your heart in my painting?"

My hand tugged the edge of the veil.

Mr. Yu, her husband, is behind her, eyes closed, embracing the children as well.

Her brothers around the age of ten and herself.

In contrast to the realistic portrayal, the children, drawn a bit smaller, are nestled in their mother's arms, smiling blissfully.

Such a beautiful painting!

But Minyoung's eyes fluttered uncontrollably.

Her mother's hand.

The right hand without fingers, prominently displayed at the very center of the frame. And in the darkly rendered background, ominous wolves with yellow eyes seem to be glaring at the family.

Minyoung couldn't help but look at Junghoon with eyes filled with rage.

'What intention could lie behind this painting?'

She's on the verge of screaming. Regardless of the painting's beauty, it's a portrait. The whole painting, even in part, should not contain any ominous elements.

Just as Min-young is about to throw the cushion she's holding, she catches Jeong-hoon smiling and gesturing with his eyes. What's this signal? His eyes point towards her mother.

Frowning, Min-young turns sharply to look at her mother, only to be stunned.


Her mother's profile.

After the painting's completion, her mother, who would usually just leave with a brief word of acknowledgement, is now beaming with joy.

Radiantly so.

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