Published at 24th of May 2024 05:18:02 AM

Chapter 41: (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

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Chapter 41 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

I slowly lifted my head to look at Min-young.

My conscience within was bowing its head in the opposite direction.

She sees me in a good light, believing my lack of career is due to supporting my family.

But can I really say that I wasn't just satisfyingly living a lazy life? I couldn't have loved my evenings more, drawing portraits all day in Ikseon-dong, counting my earnings at home, and enjoying a beer.

Can I truly say I wasn't a person who was content with the present and lived lazily?

Min-young spoke,

"But the diligent way you came every day for two months at the same time, never late, to talk for an hour while drawing my mother's portrait, proves you are not that kind of person. Monica told me that during the month you went to MG Electronics, you were never late. Actually, you arrived 30 minutes early every day."

Thats just a habit of mine.

I hate the nervous and apologetic feeling of being late, shaking my legs during those moments.

Some might think it's a waste to arrive early and wait for nothing, but Im the opposite.

I prefer to be there first and wait; it's more comfortable for me.New novel chapters are published on

Minyoung speaks again.

Ive heard a lot about you from my mother. She spoke openly about your family background.

Sympathy time?

Id rather decline that.

People usually react with pity when they hear my story. Even those who accidentally learn about my family situation tend to offer unwanted help, which I dislike. What Ive always needed wasn't sympathy but immediate work.

Luckily, Minyoung seems to have no such intentions as she said,

My mother thought highly of you because you dont tell lies.

What do you mean?

Minyoung smiles and explains.

People in our circle tend to live with small lies. Not big ones, just tiny fabrications to make themselves look better. But you never did that.

I think I get it now.

So, Mrs. Kang listened to my story and then verified it through a background check.

Is this how wealthy people live?

Is there no such thing as pure trust?

What kind of world do they inhabit?

Someone who can apologize for actions that are deemed normal from their perspective but could be offensive to others. Its rare for someone in her position to have this stance.

Its okay. Ill consider it as a clients verification process.

I cant show my annoyance anyway.

Shes a valuable client about to give me new work.

And its a big job that will pay well.

When I accepted the apology, Min-young smiled and said,

Then, let's move on to talking about the next project. Shall we get up?

Huh? Arent we going to talk here?

I thought we were going to a restaurant, so I didnt eat anything.

I got up and followed Min-young while clutching my hungry stomach. Sorry, my stomach. Please hold on. But where is this person going?

Just then, while waiting for the elevator, Min-young turned around and asked,

Oh, did you talk to Monica?

Why suddenly Monica? Oh! Right, I saw a missed call when I was leaving the mansion yesterday but forgot about it.

No, I havent yet. Is there something wrong?

The elevator door opened with a ding. Min-young, smiling, stepped into the elevator.

Mr. Painters refrigerator. I heard its officially launched.

Ah, that.

Well, Ive already received the payment, and the incentive is just 2%, so Im not too concerned.

I scratched my cheek and nodded.

Ah, maybe she called to tell me that news. Ill call her later.

Min-young looked at my unresponsive face and said,

"Did you hear about the pre-sales of the refrigerator? How many units were reserved in just two days."

I shrugged my shoulders.

Anyway, there's no incentive if it's under 300 units. How much could I earn from that? It's more constructive to hear about the new contract quickly.

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