Published at 24th of May 2024 05:17:52 AM

Chapter 47: (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

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Chapter 47 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

Ernst, seemingly intent on chain-smoking, takes another drag on his pipe and asks,

What did Mr. Hans say?


Klimt just smokes silently, not responding.

The smoke from the two men fills the air, eventually becoming as thick as that from a house fire.

Finally breaking the silence, Klimt speaks.

Mr. Hans isnt in good health. It wasnt possible to even bring up the subject.

Does he seem very ill?

Yes, his condition has virtually paralyzed the business operations in this sector.

I strained to remember the name mentioned in their conversation. Then it came to me.

Hans Makart!

The famous Austrian painter.

Makart, twenty years Klimt's senior, was an idol of Klimt in his youth.

Makarts decorative art, characterized by free compositions, vibrant colors, and ornate decorations in a Neo-Baroque style, played a leading role in Viennas Art Nouveau movement. He was also known for dominating Austrias decorative arts scene.

I don't know him by face.

I only read about him during my college years.

In October 2016, one of his paintings, An Allegory of Love, was auctioned for 130,000 euros at the Viennese auction house Im Kinsky.

I found it curious at the time.

130,000 euros? Just about 180 million won.

It seemed too low compared to other famous paintings easily worth hundreds of billions of won.

Later, during an art history lesson, I understood why.

He dominated his era but did not surpass it, thus not reaching the status of a master painter.

What is considered progressive today was once deemed ludicrous.

Every artist bears the imprint of their time.

Great artists are those with the deepest imprints.

That was also because Mr. Hans subcontracted it to us.

I know, but now Mr. Hans is ill and cant share his work with us. Nobody else is giving us jobs. Maybe its time for us to find our own way, brother?

Klimt also remained silent, just drinking his liquor.

Then, someone knocked on the open door of the shop. A gentleman dressed in a black suit spoke.

Is this the Artist Company?

Ernst and Klimt sprang up like springs.

Yes, it is!

Im from the city hall.

The city hall?

A government official had come.

Given the lack of operating funds, this didn't seem like good news for the two.

However, the city hall official, noticing their dismay, smiled and spoke.

Dont worry, Ive brought a job opportunity.


After hanging his hat on the coat rack, the official continued.

Soon, the nearby Burgtheater will be demolished and rebuilt. The city hall plans to commemorate its current appearance with a painting.

Ernst looked at his brother with joy, but Klimts expression was odd.

After a pause, Klimt spoke.

As far as I know, that job was supposed to go to Mr. Hans.

The official hesitated for a moment before looking at Klimt.

Havent you heard the news yet?

What are you talking about?

The official glanced outside the open door and lowered his voice slightly.

Just a little while ago, Austrian painter Hans Makart passed away.

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