Published at 24th of May 2024 05:17:16 AM

Chapter 65: (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

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Chapter 65 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

As the people clamor, the staff member's face turns completely ashen. A world-renowned pianist visiting their establishment an important marketing opportunity is slipping away right before their eyes.

The staff member tries to approach us to detain me, but upon seeing Monica's icy stare, they simply back off.

Hmm, Monica. I don't think she did anything that bad. Don't glare like that.

But what is this feeling?

It's like I'm the United States, wielding nuclear missiles and threatening others.

Feeling it's a bit too much, I quickly lead the two away from the spot.

However, passersby recognizing Irina as a celebrity start following us.

A crowd forms behind us, stretching out like a festival parade.

Then, Irina makes a call somewhere.

In less than a minute, six burly foreign bodyguards encircle us.

I'm bewildered, experiencing this for the first time.

Monica whispers to me with a smile, "Of course someone like Irina wouldn't go around without bodyguards. She prefers to be alone because she dislikes the hustle and bustle, but she always has bodyguards nearby, ready to intervene."

Wow, what kind of life does Irina lead?

The smallest of the bodyguards looks to be about 190cm tall. The crowd, which had been boldly taking pictures and crowding us, backs off with frightened faces as the racially mixed group of bodyguards, black and white alike, make their imposing presence felt.

Suddenly, the surrounding atmosphere becomes more comfortable.

I feel somewhat embarrassed by this unfamiliar sensation of being physically free but not from the gazes of others.

I walked a bit faster, but for some reason, the brunch place seemed further than usual today. Eventually, we entered the donut shop we had seen earlier.

I was intimidated by the prices, but at least this place was friendly, had great tasting donuts, and seemed to appeal to foreigners with its Korean-style reinvented donuts.

Once inside the donut shop, fortunately, there was one table for four left. I had been worried about not finding a seat in a smaller establishment compared to the cafe we visited earlier, but it worked out well.

I sat the two down and picked donuts that seemed to suit foreign tastes, ordered drinks, and finally returned to our table.

'Thankfully, the bodyguards didn't come inside.'

Looking at Irina, her face is still stiff. What, did I really mess up?

Monica explains, "Irina is famous for playing only Chopin's compositions all her life, didn't you know?"

Wow, is that so?

Hosting a world-famous pianist, and I didn't know such a basic thing.

I quickly apologize, "I'm sorry, I'm quite ignorant when it comes to music."

That's a lie.

In fact, I love music.

I like most music genres, including classical, which is one of my favorites.

I just don't know much about contemporary pianists.

Maybe the only name I know is Nam Su-hyun, a world-renowned pianist born in our country?

Thankfully, Monica comes to my aid,

"Not knowing isn't a crime. Honestly, Jeong-hoon is a busy person in many ways. Being a painter who digs deep into art is not a flaw."

Phew, truly thankful.

I conveyed my gratitude with my eyes and looked back at Irina.

Perhaps because of Monica's words, Irina, having relaxed her expression, wipes the cream off her mouth with a tissue and says,

"I will play Chopin, in the past, present, and future."

In the past, present, and future?

What's with her?

Is she a Chopin enthusiast?

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