Published at 24th of May 2024 05:17:15 AM

Chapter 66: (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

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Chapter 66 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

As Youngju brings over snacks, she pulls a chair next to me and sits down.

"Tell me more about Irina. What did you have for dinner?"


"Wow, you went to a tripe restaurant with a Polish pianist?"

"It was Monica's idea; she insisted on it."

"Does Monica really like tripe that much?"

"Don't even start, she's now into tripe's lining too."

"Wow. What about Irina? Did she not throw up after eating it?"

I chuckle and reply.

"She even scraped clean the fried rice with kimchi. I heard Polish people eat offal dishes too?"

"Wow! How did the tripe look when eaten by a goddess? Did it shine or transform into snowflakes or something?"

"Are you crazy?"

"No, why?"

Are you seriously asking that, or just kidding?

"Irina is a pianist, not an alchemist, right? She just ate well and left."

"Did she seem to enjoy it?"

"Yeah, she ate quietly, not saying a word."

"That's exactly her image."

"It was uncomfortable being with her, so quiet. It would have been really awkward without Monica."

"That's Irina for you. She's always been like that."

"But why does she only play Chopin?"

"Don't you know?"

"Hey, I only learned her name because of you."

"An ignorant beast you are."

"Just explain it to me."

Youngju pauses for a moment, then speaks with a serious look in her eyes.

"Irina is an orphan."

What? Really?

Isn't it true that to become a world-class pianist, you need early specialized education and expensive lessons from a young age? She looks so noble, like she comes from an aristocratic family. Was she really an orphan? Is that even possible?

Honestly, it's hard to say this, but art requires money.

Being a star in popular culture, where one can become an overnight sensation, is different from pure art. It takes a lot of time and a tremendous amount of money to start earning from actual art. It's a harsh truth, but art comes from capital.

But I clearly felt it.

He was calling me.

His call was calm, radiant, and beautiful.

His call was calm, bright, and beautiful.

Looking back, that was the memory

Of the piano sounds the priest played on days without mass.

It seemed to be that.

A baby in pajamas, toddling through the too vast and desolate church corridor.

When I opened the door to the chapel.

I found the salvation I'd longed for all my life.

Not a cross, but salvation through music.

And soon after, I realized.

The one who called me in the darkness was Chopin.

The one who extended a hand of salvation to me.

Youngju exhales as if she's just had a drink of soju.

"Wow, isn't that amazing?"

Yeah, even I think thats a pretty cool story.

"So she only performs Chopin?"

Youngju shakes her head.

"You can't say Irina only performs Chopin."

"What do you mean?"

"She doesnt just play Chopin; through the piano, she sends her lifelong admiration and praise for him."

Sending lifelong admiration and praise to the one who saved her from hopelessness. That's why Irina only performs concerts with Chopins music.

Just like someone spends their lifetime praying to God,

She sends her lifetime of prayers and praises to her savior.

"Hmm, that's kind of cool?"

Youngju gives a thumbs-up and gestures with her eyes.

"Welcome to the Church of Irina, comrade!"

Forget that, put it away.

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