Published at 24th of May 2024 05:17:11 AM

Chapter 68: (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

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Chapter 68 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

"Yes, I know him. The mysterious pianist who suddenly disappeared one day."

Nam Soo-hyun vanished at the peak of his youth and prominence.

No one knows where he went.

I heard from his friends that after traveling to Norway, they lost contact.

Irina continues.

"When he performed at the Chopin competition, a renowned poet was moved by his music and wrote a poem."

"Did that happen?"

"It was a big topic in Poland."

"I should look it up."

"I'll tell you about it."

Irina sits straight on the piano bench and closes her eyes. Then, she recites a poem.

I was suffering for a long time.

I realized I loved you a bit too late.

I didn't know.

The moment I realized love

Could be such a painful day.

Just before arriving at the beautiful island right before my eyes,

In the rain, in the storm, feeling alone.

There's no avoiding, no escaping,

Love that I crashed into with my bare body.

Giving up breeds obsession.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Giving up breeds pain.

The moon breeds loneliness.

Knowing it's a love that won't turn to me,

I still think of you alone, steadily.

If you, who hold the starlight in your eyes,

Are thinking of me now,

It wouldn't be so overwhelming, would it?

A time that never came from the beginning,

At this dark and darker lakeside,

Many know the name of the famous painter, but few know the words he left. She must have had a great interest in art. Maybe that's why Minyoung asked me to explain the paintings.

Irina simplified it, but Kandinsky's statement is actually longer.

"Our hearing of colors is so precise. Color directly influences the soul. Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that, by touching this or that key, sets the soul vibrating automatically. The harmony of colors has the ability to touch the human soul directly based on the principle."

Kandinsky, an abstract painter, was deeply moved by the performance of Austrian composer Arnold Schoenberg in 1911, forming a friendship and attempting to paint his music. Kandinsky's paintings are still loved today.

I smile and say,

"Do you like Kandinsky?"

She must if she memorized it.

But surprisingly, Irina shakes her head.

"I don't really like abstract art."


That's possible.

There's a saying that beginners look for the paintings of the past.

Abstract art, a current trend in modern art, is difficult to understand.

I'm one of those people, too. That's why I understand Irina's feelings.

"It's not just Kandinsky who painted music. There's Klimt, too."

Irina seems to already know as she says,

"You mean the Beethoven Frieze."


"It's a pity, if Klimt had known Chopin then, he might have left his music in paintings too.

Hmm? That's not quite right.

Klimts admiration for Beethoven wasnt just due to a simple appreciation of music. The golden knight overcoming physical flaws. Klimt praised Beethoven because he embodied the ideal artist that Klimt's philosophy spoke of.

Irina is a hardcore fan of Chopin.

Its not a good idea to correct her mistaken belief.

It's like insulting BTS in front of the Army.

If you dont want to be stoned, better keep your mouth shut.

Just then, as if a lightbulb appeared over Irina's head, contemplating the words she had just uttered, I noticed her face brighten.

Seemingly struck by a good idea as she alternated her gaze between my face, the ceiling painting, and the piano, Irina clapped her hands once and exclaimed,

"That's it! You should be the one to paint it!"

Huh? Paint what?

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