Published at 24th of May 2024 05:17:10 AM

Chapter 69: (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

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Chapter 69 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

W Hotel Hannam, Italian bistro.

Monica, holding a wine glass, opens her eyes wide.

Chopin's music?

Minyoung nods while eating prosciutto.

Yeah, Irina mentioned it earlier. She commissioned Painter Ban for the job.

Monica puts down her glass and crosses her arms.

Painting music isn't easy. Jeong-hoon isn't an abstract painter, is he?

He still hasn't established his identity. Who knows what kind of painter he'll become?

Right, Jeong-hoon is still in his 20s.

A painter spends a lifetime perfecting their style.

Some painters find their unique style only after turning 60, so it's too early to conclude anything.

Monica nods and then looks worried.

But isnt it too difficult a request to paint Chopin's music? Which piece did she ask for?

Minyoung shakes her head.

She didnt specify.

Hmm, Irina knows all of Chopin's music, so maybe any piece would do?


A nocturne would be nice then. It's one of the most famous pieces.

Maybe, but Painter Ban will decide.

"If there are jobs in their hometown, they'd want to return."

"Wouldn't they?"

"How many will you employ?"

Monica shrugs.

"It depends on how successful I can make the business."

"Wouldn't the initial factory employment be at least two hundred?"


"Isn't that about the number of people in the village who could work?"

Excluding those too old, too young, or already running businesses in the village, it probably is. Monica smiles and says,

"My goal is to bring back all those who left and even attract new people."

Seeing Monica's happy expression, Min-young smiles.

"It's unfolding just like in the painting."

Monica grins, showing her gums.

"Yes, I'm going to work hard to make our village as happy as in the painting Jung-hoon made for us. I look at it every day and promise myself that I'll create a hometown just like in that picture."

Min-young nods and then looks out at the night view from the window.

"Paintings have a strange power. They're not just momentarily moving but can also instill a sense of purpose in people."

Monica raises her glass, looking at the night view alongside Min-young.

"May such fortune also befall Irina, the pianist of Chopin's music."

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