Published at 24th of May 2024 05:19:04 AM

Chapter 7: (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

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Chapter 7 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

What kind of design would be good?

I imagined a refrigerator in my mind.

What if there were plum branches across the refrigerator and a few flowers blooming? Wow, that would be so pretty.

Whether they are newlyweds or not, the ones who have the decision-making power when buying a refrigerator are usually housewives. Husbands usually just whine that it's expensive. In the end, to sell well, the refrigerator has to satisfy the aesthetic needs of housewives.

The conclusion is clear.

A design that women would be satisfied with is needed.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"What women like."

The first thing that comes to mind is flowers. Of course, there are also luxury goods, but I can't draw a luxury bag on the refrigerator door.

"Flowers, flowers."

There are hundreds of kinds of flowers.

And others will have similar thoughts to me.

Then I need to draw a rare flower to stand out in the contest. I can never get attention by being the same as others.

Hmm, how about cats? Don't women like cats?

I was habitually resting my chin and thinking, and I realized that I had been thinking for over two hours.

"Ah, I have to go to work."

Drawing portraits is my livelihood.

The contest is important, but if I don't work now, I might starve tomorrow night, let alone today. Well, it doesn't matter. I have plenty of time to think while going to and from work, and it's not like I don't have time to think because the customers who come to draw portraits are bustling.

I can think whenever I have time while working.

I'm a little hesitant. I feel like I didn't see it properly yesterday because I was sleeping, and I feel like it would help me to come up with a picture for the contest because I have a good memory, but today my pocket is too light.

It's only 5,000 won, but from my point of view, I have to spend 1/10 of the money I made today to get in.

Reason tells me to go home and work, but emotion whispers to me that I can get inspiration if I go in again. To be honest, I want to have that pleasant dream again.

I searched my pocket and took out the money I made today and looked down, but eventually I bit my lip.

"That's right, it's an investment. It's an investment, this is."

If I can make 10 million won with 5,000 won, it's obvious that investing is the right thing to do. I deluded myself that it was natural to win the grand prize and get the prize money, and walked into the art gallery.

The art gallery where no one is seen today either.

I bought a ticket and went down to the basement as usual, and I heard the sound of Dvok's music again. I guess I didn't catch the program start time again.

I opened the door and entered, and the fantastic space I saw yesterday was still there. And I'm still the only customer.

"Doesn't this mean they'll disappear soon if they don't do business?"

I don't like it when people swarm to my favorite restaurant, but I'm also afraid that they'll disappear if they don't do business well. It seems that everyone has this contradictory thought. I went to the central rock sofa where I sat yesterday, put down my luggage and sat down.

The pictures of Mucha that fill every space I can see.

And the majestic orchestral music of Dvok that fills my brain with richness.

I seem to like this place very much. I'm already happy just by stepping in.

The paintings of Mucha that fill every space I can see.

And the majestic orchestral music of Dvok that fills my brain with richness.

I seem to like this place very much. I'm already happy just by stepping in.

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