Published at 24th of May 2024 05:16:49 AM

Chapter 81: (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

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Chapter 81 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

Min-young gestured to the man on the far right and spoke.

"Since it's our first meeting, how about we each come forward and introduce ourselves?"

The bald man. On closer inspection, it seems he's not balding but has shaved his head. The combination of his thick black horn-rimmed glasses and bald head looks quite stylish. He hesitated for a moment, then stood beside Min-young and began speaking.

"Hello, I'm Jung Su-han, a sculptor."

Clap, clap.

A polite smattering of applause follows.

Min-young then spoke from beside Su-han.

"Artist Jung Su-han is a rising star, nicknamed the 'Dark Master of Imagination.' He entered the art world with his human miniature models and focuses his art on vividly depicting the pathological ecology of modern society, while metaphorically representing the twisted aspects of human relationships and social structures."New novel chapters are published on

Hearing Min-young's introduction, I remembered someone.

'That's him.'

I didn't know his face, but I'd seen him in the news. A prodigy who graduated from Seoul National University's College of Fine Arts and its graduate school. He's an artist backed by one of the country's major conglomerates and has works collected in the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art. Quite a remarkable person was here.

After Su-han, a woman who seemed to have absorbed a lot of foreign influence stepped forward.

"Eh, I'm not very good at Korean."

Min-young nodded and replied.

"You can speak in English if you prefer."

"Thank you."

The woman spoke more comfortably.

"I'm Joo Chae-young."

At the sound of her name, I perked up.

A painter graduated from Columbia University in the US, she gained attention a few years ago in New York for her exhibition using North Korea's Workers' Party newspaper, Rodong Sinmun, and Choco Pies as subjects.

She uniquely creates her artworks using chocolate instead of paint. She believes that as a Korean, it's a responsibility to be aware of what's happening in North Korea, and she's known for donating all her exhibition earnings to North Korean defector organizations.

'Wow, I'm among such people.'

Min-young added more details about Chae-young, similar in level to what I had just thought. The third person to come forward is also a woman. A sturdy and down-to-earth woman, she smiled and said,

"I'm Lee Hwa-jung, a photographer."

Photography? Did a photographic artist come too?

Sometimes, her works are flat, sometimes they utilize the entire space for installation. Viewers of her installations have a unique experience through dreamlike visual elements and audio.

The thread is very thin and delicate, easy to break, but in her works, it dominates the space, creating a strong sense of stability. This interplay of stability and instability creates tension in her art.

I once stumbled upon a free exhibition of her installation art in Dongdaemun. That's how renowned she is. From what I remember, she's a graduate of Ewha Womans University and spent a long time studying in the UK.

'What's unique is that her major was not in art college, but in engineering.'

Engineering and art are quite distant fields, but the incredible expressions that arise when an artistically inclined person combines with the meticulous calculations of an engineer felt like a fusion of science and art.

Am I really supposed to be here?

Finally, it's my turn.

As Min-young signals me to come forward, I swallow hard and stand up.

In the eyes of these people, I'm literally a nobody. A sense of embarrassment surfaces.

"I am... Ban Jeong-hoon."

A look of curiosity appears on the faces of the five painters.

Of course, they wouldn't know my name. I haven't achieved anything in the art world.

My self-esteem plummets as I bow my head.

Then, Min-young's voice breaks the silence.

"Everyone, please look up."

As the five painters look up at the ceiling, Min-young speaks.

"The pride of W Tree Hannam, the artist who painted the fresco on the ceiling of the catacombs is Ban Jeong-hoon. He is also the one who presented digital media art at the recent performance of Irina Sevanova, and simultaneously, he is the co-designer of the famous refrigerator Belle poque by MG Electronics."

The painters' eyes all turn to me at once.

Curiosity swiftly fills their faces.

But wait. Hearing my achievements from Min-young, I don't seem to be that far behind, do I?

Ah, it must be my imagination.

What can I offer in front of such geniuses?

After Min-young seats me, she addresses the six people.

"The six artists I have introduced to you here are the painters from South Korea who will be creating together for this joint exhibition. I look forward to the day when I can proudly say that your exhibition was held at our hotel."

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