Published at 16th of April 2024 11:31:34 AM

Chapter 272: Let Keith spank

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Chapter 272 Let Keith spank

?"Why on earth would I even consider joining in? How dare you ask me to do such a thing... you despicable creature!" Viana erupted in anger as Kevin finished his cigar outside the inn, appearing rather unsurprised by her outburst.

"Isn't the weather getting colder?" he casually inquired, ignoring the angry women, observing fewer people outside and those present all bundled up in warm clothes. Despite their cultivation skills, the chill still seemed to affect them in this place.

"I don't care... I just want to kill you for manipulating my granddaughters into doing such vile things..." Viana seethed with anger.

"Kill me? Why? I bring them closer..." Kevin retorted with a smirk. "They are closer than ever because of me. I'm even giving you the opportunity to do the same, and yet here you are, threatening to kill me. No wonder they harbor such hate toward you."

"Bring me closer to them or tag me as a sinner along with you... Nah, I'm good with being hated," Viana said with a shrug. "So, when's your food getting here?"

Kevin checked his watch. "It's still a couple of minutes away," he replied. Then, noticing Viana in a dress that didn't offer much protection from the cold, he kept his jacket on and pulled her close, draping the jacket around her waist, his hand securing the jacket snugly around her.

Fearing the consequences yet feeling the pressure of the situation, Viana struggled to navigate the murky waters of morality and personal desires. The allure of potential acceptance clashed with the moral boundaries she held dear, leaving her in a state of profound internal conflict.

"Are you sure Keith would agree to this?" Viana asked, visibly concerned, a question that elicited a subtle smile from Kevin, indicating her inclination to commit to the plan.

"She will, want to see? Let me message her," Kevin replied, opening his watch and sending a message: 'Wanna have some fun with Viana?' he typed and sent it to Keith.

Before Viana could interject or halt Kevin's action, the message had already been sent. Her eyes widened in alarm as she realized the irreversible step that had just been taken.

"Kevin, stop!" Viana exclaimed, her voice laced with panic and regret, but it was too late. The message had sailed off into the digital ether, leaving her feeling a wave of distress and apprehension about the potential consequences of Kevin's impulsive action.

She gazed at Kevin, a mix of frustration and concern etched on her face, realizing the gravity of the situation. The sense of dread settled in as she awaited the uncertain response, her mind racing with the repercussions this impromptu message might bring.

A minute later, a message arrived, and as Viana read it, her eyes widened in shock, a flush spreading across her face. The message from Keith read, 'Only if she lets me spank her butt.'

Viana was stunned by the message while Kevin smirked, observing her reaction. "So, do you believe me now?" he asked.

Caught in a whirlwind of thoughts, Viana remained silent, her mind consumed by the fact that her grand-daughter agreed to such a distasteful act. Moreover, she grappled with how this dark-haired man had managed to sway her belief that this was somehow acceptable. She couldn't bring herself to respond to Kevin, her thoughts clouded by a mix of shock, disappointment, and inner conflict.

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