Published at 10th of May 2024 04:57:36 AM

Chapter 310: Getting rich

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Chapter 310 Getting rich

It had been a couple of hours since Kevin returned to his suite, unable to get any action with either Keyara or her grandma. So, he began sorting through the purchases he made last night.

He had bought 250 kilograms of Replenium for 12,500 Chernos, and he could sell one kilogram for about 300 Omnitokens, almost making all the money back by selling just one kilogram.

"Five times, ten times... How much am I making?" Kevin was shocked as he did the calculations. If he could even sell just half of it, he would have enough to complete several upgrade requirements. And he hadn't even calculated the profit from the Crimson Vein Alloy yet, which cost a whopping 4000 Omnitokens per kilogram, meaning he could sell it for 6000 Omnitokens.

"Damn, 300,000 Chernos per kilogram," he muttered. He had made the same calculation last night but wasn't as excited then as he was now, doing it with a clear mind. With a base price of 500 Chernos, he was making a significant profit, and he just needed to sell a few kilograms to complete all of the system upgrade requirements.

"What vile things are you thinking about now?" Keyara said, her face twisted in disgust as Kevin grinned lecherously at her.

Kevin shook his head, wiping the saliva off his face, and said, "Nah, nothing much," pondering whether he should mention the lucrative opportunity he had stumbled upon.

The Demtia family needed money, and while Kevin wasn't generous enough to simply give it to them despite his relationship with them, he could provide them with a means to earn it.

So coming close to her, almost in a whispering voice, he said, "Actually, there's something pretty cool I found out,", his grin turning into a more excited expression. "Remember when I told you I went out last night?"

"Yeah, and you met your old friend," Keyara said, giving him a slightly strange look at his sudden excitement.

Viana, who had just come out from her room, saw Keyara getting ready in a rush and asked, "Are you two heading out somewhere?"

Kevin nodded with a smile, sparking her curiosity. She pressed further, "Where to?"

"Toward a prosperous future," Keyara replied, grinning, which caught Viana off guard. Before she could ask more questions, Keyara urged her to hurry, saying, "come with us. I'll fill you in on the way."

As they made their way out of the room, Viana followed closely behind, still curious about their plans. Keyara quickly filled her in as they walked through the halls of the ship, explaining what Kevin told her.

Viana's eyes widened in astonishment as she listened, "That's incredible!" she exclaimed, her excitement matching Keyara's.

Kevin grinned, pleased to see Viana's enthusiasm. "Yeah, it's pretty amazing," he agreed.

"You bought it already?" she asked with excitement, and Kevin nodded, saying, "Yeah, about 250 kg."

Her excitement lessened as she heard the amount Kevin had bought, and Kevin, noticing the drop in her enthusiasm, grinned and said, "Don't worry, they have a lot more. Also, I can't go with you as they might get suspicious that I had come to know about the ore's uses. So, you'll have to go alone. Also, don't just buy that ore. I know one or two good ones with good profit margins. Buy them too, just to be safe."

Both women nodded in agreement with Kevin's assessment as he sent them a file about other ores and pointed them toward the shop. "Come meet me back here," he said, noticing their wide smiles and the eagerness practically dripping from them. "And wipe that greedy smile off your faces."

Kevin watched as both women wiped the smiles off their faces, replacing them with more composed expressions. He gave them a nod of approval before they headed off to the shop, their excitement showing clear from their eyes.

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