Published at 28th of May 2024 05:47:50 AM

Chapter 313: The attackers

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Chapter 313 The attackers

A gray-haired beauty with jade-like features closed her eyes, shielding them from the blinding light of the blast just a few meters away. It wasn't a destructive explosion, more like a dazzling light show, contained within a transparent shield. Despite its contained nature, it remained potent and bright, compelling everyone nearby to tightly shut their eyes. Some could still feel the searing heat on their skin, causing them to wince in discomfort.

You could also see some dead bodies in lab coats scattered around what appeared to be a laboratory. The blood on the weapons of the green-haired individuals suggested they were responsible for the deaths surrounding them.

The people near the blast displayed a mix of emotions—excitement, happiness, fear, and anger. They could be divided into three distinct groups: those with lush green hair, bandished arms, and a sense of excitement and anger; those adorned with the insignia of the Emporium, displaying fear and anger, distraught over their precious belongings being destroyed.

Their fear stemmed from the same source, mingling with their anger and causing their bodies to undergo a transformation—both literal and metaphorical. Some individuals?with emporium insignia began to swell up, their bodies ballooning like over-inflated balloons, while others bulged with exaggerated muscles, distorting their human forms into grotesque shapes of red, darkened muscle.

Amidst these two groups, there was a smaller faction led by a gray-haired woman, outfitted in sleek, high-tech black armor devoid of any identifiable emblem. Except their leader, the members of this group wore plain masks with only two eyeholes, their identities concealed behind the opaque facade of jet-black visages.

As the blinding light from the blast gradually subsided, the leader of the now monstrous ship guards spoke with a loud, almost inhuman voice. "How could you commit such a grave sin? You all deserve to die! You've angered our Messiah... how dare you? How could you?" His words echoed with fury as his body underwent a grotesque transformation. He began to grow, but unlike the others, his expansion wasn't just a swelling—it was a towering growth, accompanied by bulging muscles. His face contorted, his ears elongating into long slits, his mouth widening to reveal spear-like teeth, and his eyes protruding from their sockets, swelling like grotesque orbs as he roared in agony.

The gray-haired woman, seemingly unperturbed by the chaos around her, approached the leader of the green-haired group. Despite the terrifying transformation happening all around, her demeanor remained composed as she asked, "Is everything ready?"

The monster leader's attacks were powerful, each swing of his bone axe creating slashes so strong that they damaged the ship's hull, leaving long, deep marks behind.

One of the green-haired men turned to their group leader, a look of uncertainty on his face as he observed Lidia's fierce battle with the monstrous group leader.

"Do you think she can handle him?" he asked, his voice laced with concern as he watched the intense combat unfolding before them.

The members of his group all had varying shades of green hair, from light to dark, with the leader boasting the lightest shade of dark green among them. Despite their bit sleek appearance, their features were oddly beautiful, with milky white skin and long, lanky structures.

In combat, they relied on speed and ranged attacks. Their ranged assaults involved shooting light green leaves from their hands, which pierced the muscles of the transformed soldiers, causing them immense pain with each strike.

After returning from dispatching one of the monsters in a similar fashion, one of the members approached the leader with a questioning look regarding Lidia. With a smirk, the leader assured him, "They wouldn't have sent her if she couldn't handle just a messy darkling." Then, turning more serious, he inquired, "Don't worry about her. She can remain alive herself at least till we need her. Tell me, how's the bombing going?"

The man nodded, directing the leader's attention to a holographic blueprint of the ship, dotted with several ominous red markers. "Way better than expected," he reported.

This news widened the leader's smile, but it quickly faded into seriousness as he contemplated their next move. "Good. Now, we just have to take care of the people in the command center," he stated firmly. However, his expression darkened as he added, "Dispose of these weaklings and proceed to the next target." With a nod, the men rejoined the fray ahead, while the leader resumed his observation of Lidia's intense battle.

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