Published at 28th of May 2024 05:47:48 AM

Chapter 315: Confronting the Elongated Terror

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Chapter 315 Confronting the Elongated Terror

"What's going on?" Keyara gasped between breaths as they sprinted, Viana's Qi technique propelling her even faster.

Kevin opened his mouth to reply, but his words were drowned out by a roar reverberating through the corridor. Whipping around, he saw a strange sight unfolding behind them. A hand gripped the corner wall, fingers digging into the metal with unnatural strength. Across from it, another hand mirrored the motion, the walls bearing the scars of its grasp.

The arms, once human, were now elongated to grotesque lengths, resembling stretched bands of the slingshot. Kevin's eyes widened in horror as the limbs tensed, muscles bulging unnaturally beneath stretched skin.

With a sickening lurch, the tension in the arms released, launching the creature forward like a catapult. In that moment, they beheld the full horror of the transformation. The guard's body, once human, had undergone a grotesque transformation. Its form was now contorted and elongated, with arms stretching down to touch the floor below. Surprisingly, its torso remained relatively unchanged, well only in size. As the most standing out feature was at where the stomach should have been, a gaping cavity lined with jagged bones protruding like the teeth of a voracious predator, it presented a chilling sight to behold.

As the creature struggled to retract its elongated parts, guttural roars filled the air, echoing off the metal walls.

The creature stood motionless as it began retracting its twisted limbs. Recognizing this as their prime opportunity to attack, Kevin swiftly turned to Viana, knowing her ranged abilities offered their best chance of inflicting substantial damage. "Viana, attack it with everything you got." he urged her.

Turning to Keyara with urgency in his voice, he continued, "We have to get out of here. We're no match for that monstrosity. My knife shattered on its skin without leaving a scratch. The only damage came from the Qi blast after it broke."

As the pain-fueled haze began to fade, Kevin's gaze returned to the monstrous guard, its stretched limbs retracting once more. A trail of crimson blood marked its retreat, a grim reminder of the violence that had just unfolded.

With a renewed sense of urgency, Keyara seized a mouthful of the glowing liquid from the crystal bottle and gulped it down, the ethereal substance coursing through her veins. Kevin also downed the whole vial down his throat.

She poured the contents of another bottle over her mangled arm. As Keyara poured the strange concoction over the mangled flesh and broken bones, an eerie transformation unfolded before their eyes. The twisted limbs began to writhe and contort, growing and reshaping until the arm had regained its original form. Simultaneously, Kevin's injured shoulder underwent a similar miraculous healing process, his flesh knitting back together with unnatural speed.

As Keyara's arms slowly healed, her gaze fixated on the monster with a newfound sense of dread. Her hands tightened around her sword as she anxiously inquired, "Viana, how much longer?"

"Just one more minute," Viana responded, her tone tinged with concern. She, too, had witnessed how easily the creature had broken Keyara's arm, despite her years of strengthening her skin and bones to the level of high earth tire's monsters. But it took just one attack for that thing to shatter it.

As they waited for the monster to strike again, they witnessed it tossing the chunk taken from Kevin's shoulder into the cavity in its torso. Watching in horror as the creature devoured its own flesh, Kevin muttered under his breath, "Please, God, don't let it like my taste." He prayed silently, but it seemed that no divine intervention was forthcoming, as another roar erupted from the creature's torso, this time filled with excitement.

"Shit..." Kevin cursed, his voice tinged with alarm. In the next moment, he felt his bones cracking as he desperately tried to halt the creature's elongated arm from seizing another chunk of his flesh.

Following the attack, the creature's arm showed signs of retracting but it was too slow as it remained stretched out in range of attack. Keyara, already on her way to assist Kevin, noticed an opportunity to attack and instead of helping Kevin. With a swift leap, she swung her sword at the slowly retracting arm. Sensing the imminent strike, the creature attempted to speed up the withdrawal of its limb. However, Keyara's sword made contact with one of its arms before it could fully retreat.

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