Published at 28th of May 2024 05:47:44 AM

Chapter 318: Stealing options

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Chapter 318 Stealing options

As the trio made their way towards the hanger bay, emerging from the shadows of the hallway were two figures with wooden masks obscuring their faces. However, their distinctive green hair made them easily recognizable. One of them spoke, his tone dripping with arrogance and disgust as he glanced at the charred and mangled remains of the creature Kevin and the others had just slain. "They were lucky this one wasn't fully transformed."

The other person nodded in agreement and spoke with an even more arrogant tone than his subordinate. "These weaklings don't deserve to set foot in our forest. They treat it like a mere hunting ground. If they dare to return after this, they'll learn why the den is called the forbidden area." His voice, younger than the man who spoke before him, was filled not with disgust towards the creature, but towards the trio walking out of the corridors.

"Young lord, while I share your desire to eliminate these outsiders, our mission is to destroy the pestilent darklings and obliterate this ship," the man said, casting a glance at the trio. "The commander has strictly forbidden us from harming outsiders who harbor no darkness within them."

The young lord hesitated momentarily but eventually nodded in agreement. The other man nodded in return and reiterated, "Let's depart now. The commander summons us to assemble at the ship's command center for the final blow." Visit novelbin(.)com for latest novels

Unaware of the silent observers witnessing their battle, the trio safely reached the hanger bay without encountering any further trouble. However, upon arrival, they found that the bay was notably sparse compared to when they had first arrived. Where once it had been filled with small crafts, now only a few remained, with some already in the process of departing the ship.

Their task now was clear: they needed to secure a ride from one of the remaining crafts or, failing that, take matters into their own hands and steal one of the vessels still present.

Unfortunately, their attempts to hitch a ride were met with rejection from the owners of the small crafts.

"We don't have enough space for even one more person. Can't take you all three," one of them explained.

"We are headed in completely different directions than your destinations," others offered as excuses.

"I don't know," Kevin shook his head, still grappling with the question of Lidia's involvement in the chaos.

"Then ask her," Keyara suggested.

But Kevin shook his head at her suggestion. Even though Lidia hadn't explicitly told him not to call her, her abrupt ending of their last conversation was enough to indicate that she was in some sort of trouble. He didn't want to escalate the situation by disturbing her further. So, glancing at the remaining ships in the hangar, he suggested, "Let's just steal one."

This time, both women hesitated to accept his suggestion, but with no other viable option, they nodded in reluctant agreement. Viana then asked, "So, which one do you want to steal?"

"I haven't thought about it. Do you have any in mind?" Kevin asked, scanning the parked small crafts.

"How about that one?" Viana pointed to the ship just to their right. It was approximately 100 meters long and 60 meters tall, shaped like a wide lance head, slim at the front and widening towards the rear.

"Nah, it's too big," Keyara offered her assessment. She was right; stealing something larger would be much more difficult than stealing something smaller. She then presented her own selection by pointing to a ship a couple of meters in front of them. "We need a smaller one, like that."

this small craft she pointed was the very unsual shape it was shaped like egg a giant egg od the size with 60 metter long and 40 or so meter in hight. It's outer hall made of pristein silver metal that almost was ploished enough to be a mirror.

Both kevin and viana nodded to her choice and this time kevin asked. "now how we are gonna get in it?"

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