Published at 28th of May 2024 05:47:42 AM

Chapter 319: End of nimbus desire

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Chapter 319 End of nimbus desire

Bam! The resounding crash echoed through the corridor as the leader of the green-haired group collided with the metal wall, leaving a noticeable dent.

His body, already riddled with injuries before the impact, seemed to worsen from the powerful collision. Standing before him was a creature like the one Lidia had fought earlier, albeit larger in size and sporting two ominous black horns atop its head.

Surrounding the creature were bodies strewn across the floor, while it stood atop what appeared to be a control platform of the ship. Currently, its attention was fixated on an injured, gray-haired woman clutching her bloody arm—her dominant one to be exact, as she held the sword in that arm

Only a handful of people remained from both Lidia's group and the green-haired faction, the rest having succumbed to the merciless onslaught.

"It's too strong," the leader of the green-haired group thought as he struggled to rise, his face contorted with pain. Just then, a young man approached to lend him support, his own body bearing wounds, though not as severe as his leader's.

"Sir, you should tend to your wounds," the young man advised, his tone tinged with concern. He was the same individual present during the battle where Kevin and the others faced the lanky creature.

The leader remained silent for a moment, his eyes filled with determination, before he rose to his feet and declared, "I'm fine. Tell everyone to use the emergency teleportation scrolls. I'll deal with the darkling."

The young man nodded, watching as the leader advanced towards the creature, a bottle filled with dark liquid materializing in his hands, causing the young man to shudder before he spoke into a dark wooden bracelet adorning his wrist.

Viana felt a pang of guilt as Keyara pointed out her mistake. It was her oversight that had led to this situation. The ship had a Qi formation designed to safeguard against intrusion, and Viana had managed to adjust it temporarily to allow their entry. However, in her excitement, she had forgotten to keep it open, triggering a change in the formation as it detected unauthorized tampering.

Now, the altered formation had become more complex and dangerous, delivering shocks to anyone who attempted to approach it. With no other option, Viana suggested overloading the formation with their Qi to disrupt it, fearing that directly attacking it might damage the small craft. However, the process required an excessive amount of Qi, pushing those involved to their limits.

As the trio faced the consequences of overloading the formation, Kevin noticed the guilt written all over Viana's face. Draining all their Qi was risky; without it, they would be reduced to fighting like regular humans. However, with the immediate danger behind them, Kevin flashed a reassuring smile and addressed them, "What's done is done. Let's put it behind us. The most important thing is that we escaped the ship with our lives."

BOOOOMMMM. But his positive words were punctuated by a deafening explosion, far louder than anything they had heard inside the ship.

The shockwave reverberated through their small craft, causing it to shudder violently, while alarms blared urgently all around them. With a sense of urgency, Viana swiftly activated the ship's transparent top to get a glimpse of the unfolding chaos.

What they witnessed left them utterly speechless. The once proud ship now lay in ruins, broken into two pieces. But the destruction didn't end there. A silver light, akin to a blazing ball of fire, expanded from the ship's center, swiftly engulfing all nearby vessels. Moments later, the balls stopped, expanded and retracted before erupting into a bigger blast. This one burn the already destroyed ship to the dust while the light from it bleached everything in its path, leaving behind only shades of gray.

It was fortunate that the trio's small craft had distanced itself from the ship, avoiding the fate of those vessels nearby, which were torn asunder just like the larger one.

"Thank god we got out in time," Keyara muttered, her voice tinged with fear. The others nodded in silent agreement, sharing her sentiment.

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