Published at 28th of May 2024 05:47:35 AM

Chapter 324: Guilty Keyara

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Chapter 324 Guilty Keyara

Kevin glanced at the holographic ads showcasing the latest car models while he waited for Keyara. He had originally planned to buy a car a few days later, but considering his aunt's distress and the somber mood at home, he figured it might lift the spirits or at least divert her attention from her troubles.

However, he couldn't deny that he also had ulterior motives. The morning incident had left him curious about what lay beneath that pink towel. He knew it was wrong to entertain such thoughts, but he couldn't help himself. After all, he had engaged in far worse actions without a second thought, like having sex with Maria and make out sessions with Riya, and harboring inappropriate thoughts about his aunt was way less taboo than that.

Now he just needed a plan to do the same thing with Emma. With Maria, it was easier since she was frustrated and sad; he just took advantage of that. And for Riya, he simply acted on impulse. With Emma, it might be easier, similar to Maria's situation, given her current emotional state. He could exploit her sadness and confusion to make her more receptive to pleasure.Get your favorite novels at novelbin(.)com

'What the hell am I thinking?' Suddenly, he caught himself mid-thought and looked shocked. 'Why? I'm not that much of a pervert, am I?' He questioned himself again. Sure, he had his moments, but he wasn't constantly consumed by thoughts of sex.

These days, it seemed like all he could think about was sex. Even on his way home, his mind was consumed with thoughts of being intimate with Maria and planning all the things he wanted to do with her. He had even considered arranging a threesome with her and Riya.

He couldn't pinpoint when it all began or why, but he speculated that it might be due to his cultivation technique. After all, practicing a dual cultivation technique, essentially another term for sex, might be influencing his newfound perversion. Alternatively, it could be attributed to something else entirely. He had only recently engaged in sexual activity a few times before coming here, following two months spent in the jungle fighting monsters. Perhaps the pent-up frustration from that period of abstinence was now manifesting in unexpected ways.

'I need to control it,' he thought, realizing the urgency of managing his newfound desires. However, he also understood that attempting to suppress them might only exacerbate the situation.

"My mom did. I haven't talked with my sister yet, as she was still sleeping when I came out to buy the car," he explained. "My aunt and her daughter are also staying with us for some days. It's going to be lively from now on."

"Good, lively is good. But you didn't answer my first question. Why did you want a car all of a sudden?" Keyara asked, turning to look at him.

"Well, my aunt is going through a rough patch at her home, which is why she's staying with us. I thought taking them somewhere fun might make her a bit happier," he explained. Then, gesturing towards the car ads, he continued, "And if I'm going to do that, I thought I might as well do it in my own ride."

"That's quite the long reason, but I understand," she said as she began to walk towards the store entrance. "And what happened with your aunt?"

Kevin, walking towards the store while exploring the cars displayed in showcases, explained his aunt's situation. Upon hearing, Keyara sighed. "I want to curse that bastard, but I'm not that different from him. Sleeping with my sister's boyfriend, who is also sleeping with my grandma," she said, looking a bit guilty.

Kevin chuckled as he heard her and said, "Why are you guilty? Keith would be in 9 havens if she knew we are having sex? Hell, she might ask for a hot threesome? You know she wants you, right?" He said, making her blush as he continued, "And for Viana, don't worry about her. She doesn't seem to have any guilty bone in her."

This made her look at him with anger as she said in an angry tone, "I know you want to have a threesome with me and Keith. It's not going to happen."

"You should say it will never happen again, as it has already happened a few times before. Or do you not remember Keith's blissful face and her moans as you ate her out?" Kevin said with a smirk, making her blush as she stared at him with anger.

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