Published at 28th of May 2024 05:47:34 AM

Chapter 325: Interesting things and Interesting owners

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Chapter 325 Interesting things and Interesting owners

"Thanks for taking some time for me," Kevin said as he sat in his newly bought armored XUV.

Keyara smiled and said, "Thanks won't work, you'll have to treat me to a meal."

"Then tomorrow when we meet, the meal's on me," he said with a smile as he rubbed the steering wheel. He had splurged almost 200k units on this thing, but he still thought he got it cheaper, considering his habit of converting units into Omni tokens. This much was just about 2000 Omni tokens, as one token is worth about 100 units.

"So where are you taking them in this beast?" she asked, also admiring the car. She had personally chosen this one. There were more costly and cooler-looking ones, but she had made him buy this one, saying it gave perfect performance for the amount of money spent. The others were just hyped because of their outer look or over-hyped by brands.

Kevin didn't understand much about the technology of this world, so he was just happy being the owner of this cool-looking car. "I don't know, I was thinking somewhere outside the city as neither of them has ever been out of it," he said, then continued, "Do you have any suggestions?"

Keyara thought for a moment before suggesting, "How about the Misty Mountains or vidar forest? You've been there to two of them before, and both locations are not as dangerous as some others. Plus, they are incredibly beautiful."FiNd updates on n(o)/velbin(.)com

Kevin pondered over her suggestion and found it appealing. He also considered the possibility of checking on Lidia to see if she had safely returned from the ship. However, he wasn't entirely sure if she would return there, so he could always call her to find out.

He stopped the car in front of the house and rolled down the window, but she didn't look up to see who it was. He could tell from her body language, though, that she was rolling her eyes in annoyance at his interruption.

With a smirk, he used the horn to grab her attention, which only seemed to annoy her further. She continued to focus on her watch, but Kevin persisted, finally irritating her enough to glance up at him and curse. "Can't you see I'm not interested, asshole?"

"You should at least look at things; who knows, you might get interested in them?" Kevin said with a smirk.

Lora smiled as she approached the car, finally tearing her eyes away from the watch. "Who said I'm not interested in things?" she teased, placing her hands on the rolled-down window. "I'm really interested in these things, but unfortunately, showing interest in something makes the owner think I'm interested in away from the watch. "Who said I'm not interested in things?" she teased, placing her hands on the rolled-down window. "I'm them."

Leaning forward out the window with a smirk, Kevin said, "Well, sometimes their owner might be more interesting than their things."

This elicited a bright smile from Lora as Kevin admired her beautiful face. Her brunette hair, just like the rest of the family's, framed dark, pearly eyes that resembled her mother's. With sharp facial features reminiscent of Kevin's own mother, she was undeniably a beauty, much like all the other female members of his family.

"I don't know about other owners, but you do seem more interesting than this car, Kevin," Lora said with a smile. Her smile widened as she grew more excited and asked, "How the heck did you grow this tall? You jerk! What type of cultivation are you doing? Did you forget your big sister? She could also use some of your inches!"

She bombarded him with questions, but only the last one stuck in his mind. With a smirk, he replied, "I'd give you some of my inches, but unfortunately, I can't."

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