The Outcast - Volume 1 - Chapter 26

Published at 30th of March 2020 07:47:56 AM

Chapter 26

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026-The man disassembled the mech


The same picture falls in the eyes of different people and represents a completely different meaning.


Behind a tall tree surrounded by a valley, an M52 painted matte is like a snoozing tiger. It’s silent and squatted sideways in an unsightly but practical posture. This is the thickest and most powerful single-armor melee of the Federal Army. Two alloy mechanical legs are nicknamed the frog legs by the soldiers. Just above the frog's legs, Colonel Lake sat in the operating cabin, staring alertly forward.


With a distance of 1.4 kilometers, the members of the special mech group coming from a long distance in the Fourth Military Region are scattered around this valley. Colonel Lake is their leader. Naturally, they are confident that their B4 commando formation may maintain perfect coordination. Those team members, like Lake’s fingers, can still maintain accuracy at high hand speeds.


The medium-range weapon system has already been recharged during the pursuit. At the moment when the specific position of Target 1 was received, the entire pursuit team turned forward and closed the small valley directly. However, Colonel Lake did not initiate a fire coverage order. Although it is said that under the chain cover attack of eleven M52s, there should be no carbon-based life to survive, but before seeing the target, Colonel Lake did not dare to take risks.


The high-sensitivity probe relayed the scene in the valley. Colonel Lake saw the tired face of the gray-haired mechanic and the wound on his thigh. He was relieved. A former soldier with bare hands should be less dangerous. 


But Colonel Lake still did not issue an order for the attack, because he always has a weird feeling. If he launches an attack from this distance ... the target may be able to run away in the chaos, although it is unreasonable things logically. But a dozen years ago, the horrified mechanic in the valley seemed to be violating logic. He survived the raging pursuit of the Ministry of National Defense, and he has survived for ... a dozen years.


The small light curtain of the mech's operation cabin clearly showed the scene in the valley. The gray-haired mechanic seemed to notice nothing. Did he lit a cigarette? Why is he not in a hurry to escape? why should he light a cigarette? Is he glancing at himself? Colonel Lake's deformed sunglasses on the bridge of his nose trembled. He looked at the cold gaze on the light screen looking directly at himself, wondering if the mechanic was looking at himself.


With such a long distance, did the mechanic find out that they exist? Colonel Lake, who was extremely confident of the mech's ability to control the hidden consciousness, developed a chill in his heart and became increasingly unconfident.


Especially when he noticed that the mechanic began to tremble warily, strong anxiety occupied his whole body. The scene made him never want to wait any longer. He directly issued a long-range attack order to ten members of the group!


However, ... the mechanic on the light curtain seems to be able to accurately calculate the mentality of the federal special mech group. Just before the long-range attack command has not been completely converted into a radio wave signal, the mechanic began to move!


Everyone was shocked.


The rock weighing half a ton was thrown out by the arms of the mechanic, whistling like a cannonball. It hit an M52 that had been carefully hiding in the eleven o'clock. The M52 has prepared its sniper cannon!


The heavy armor outside the M52 operation cabin was severely hit, and the stone debris flew. Although there was no serious deformation, this strong impact still shocked the mech who was connected to the electric sensor chair in the operation cabin. The team members vomited blood. Within a short time, he could no longer reply!


Half a ton of rock in the mechanic's hand turned out like a grenade! What amazing power is needed, is this mechanic still human? Colonel Lake was shocked to calculate the majestic power shown by the mechanic at the previous moment. His lips felt bitter.


Immediately, his eyes followed the mechanic who had become like a shadow. He was gliding over a long grass in the valley, and rushing towards a big tree!


"Old Seven!" Colonel Lake shouted in the intercom, trying to remind the team members hiding behind the tree. But everything was too late. He could only watch as the mechanic's fist hit the hydraulic pipe behind the heavy M52 knee.


Colonel Lake knew that M52's relatively weak defensive shortcoming was at the junction behind its knees. But he never thought that a bare-handed person could break the alloy steel with his fist alone! 


The previous flying stone showed the mechanic's incredible power. The fluttered legs showed the mechanic's horrible speed. The fist that broke the M52 hydraulic pipe showed the strength of his body.


Only in a flash, the mech group that had no time to attack lost two mechs. One of them was hit by a boulder, which injured the solider in the operation cabin. The mech was trying to maintain balance as if drunk. It tried not to fall from the hillside. The mech behind the tree, which was attacked by Feng Yu directly, had fallen backward and looked miserable.


The mech sprayed by the sky toward the sky was dazzled by the twilight and became the heart-blowing blood. On the side of the blood curtain, in front of the huge mech, the tiny figure appeared extremely small. But it was particularly powerful.


At this moment, the special mech players in the valley and the special soldiers in the East Forest guard zone were all stunned.


The gray-haired mechanic doesn't look like a person. At least, he is not a normal person. There are no normal people in this world who dare to confront a mech. But Feng Yu proves that in the face of strong personal power, the metal civilization of mechanical civilization is not an irresistible existence.




The special mech group of the West Forest Fourth Military Region led by Colonel Lake was recommended by the Charter Bureau to be responsible for the killing task. It was approved by the Ministry of Defense and the Secret Service because of the war with the empire in previous years. The powerful fighting force of the Fourth Military Region has the respect and trust of the entire Federation. However, in the face of sudden changes today, Colonel Lake, who has always been indifferent and resolute, still felt a shake of mind. Because he found that the strength of the target of this operation has not been seen on the battlefield. He also has never studied such a situation in the Second Military College.


However, the tough nerves of the federal soldiers caused the entire formation in the valley to remain a slight stagnation. The intact mech and heavy firepower were deployed in an instant. The medium-range weapons began to release energy and metal bullets in the direction of the big tree. Even with their companions in here, they must also react in the first time and kill the treason mechanic!


The shrapnel easily cut the tree into countless fragments flying in the air, and the heartbreaking gunfire in the valley obscured everything. Just a moment, there were countless ammunitions bombarded behind the tree.


"Can the old seven hold up?" Colonel Lake led five M52s along the road to the valley as fast as possible and rushed over there. There was no loophole in the entire encirclement. He was worried about his team members in his heart.


However, the next moment, his pupils narrowed, and he pressed the button beside him with a heavy heart. From this moment on, the enemy and the ally's identification system disappeared, and an unlimited attack began. The mech that was blown off the hydraulic pipe also became the target of countless firepower attacks!


Because he found that the ghost-like figure of the mechanic had crawled to the belly of the dreaded mech. Lake did not know why Feng Yu could easily remove the mech protective cover and would open the operation cabin!

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