Published at 28th of May 2019 09:10:06 PM

Chapter 140

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Two days later Tatsuo had a boat waiting for them on the outskirts of the Heaven Dou empire, he sent Dugu Bo and the Sure-shot Douluo, Mie Abe to the Star Luo Empire to handle the Spirit Hall there. As Dugu Bo has just reached Rank 96 sending those two to the Star Luo was a kin to sending out two nuclear warheads as their task there was to root out all the traitorous Nobles before Tatsuo's coronation.

Tatsuo stood on a cliff overlooking the Dock below as the Clans along with their leaders loaded up on the transport vessel. Nel,Tang Hao and Daisuke stood by his side as he looked on at the rising sun.

"We have a lot of work to do before we can begin setting out to other continents. Uprooting the powers on the Douluo Continent, re-stabilizing the chaos that all starts, Introducing technology and higher education, establishing the Imperial Realm of The Night's presence in the two empires, Overall restructure of all territories under my control. Daisuke I will draft up my plans for this in a rough outline I want you and the Council to come up with a feasible way to achieve these outlined goals before sending it back to me for approval."

Daisuke just bowed in acknowledgement.

"Tang Hao, recently you have learned that I am a 100,000 year old Spirit Beast along with my Wife. However you don't truly know our origins which are far beyond your current understanding. When we return to Arkaydia Nel will tell you the details as pretty soon our comrades will be joining us. When they do we will begin properly structuring our military as the 13 pillars will have gathered. In comparison with the Douluo continent Arkydia is around 1/5th it's size, to be frank the Douluo Continent is the Smallest of the 11 continents on the Planet. My goal is to expand onto all these continents not only to gain more power but to acquire more knowledge. For example, what is the relationship between Spirit Beasts and humans? Why do we acquire power utilizing their souls in the form of Spirit Rings? I say we because at this point I would be considered no different than you in the eyes of Spirit Beasts. During my road of Cultivation I acquired the peak bloodline spirit beasts to create my Spirit the Zen Dragon. The Sole purpose of that was to mold my divinity into what it is and what it will be. Absolute."

"Even though at this moment I am Absolute in terms of Bloodline my power cannot be compared to the foes we will face as we move one from the known world. There are many spirit beasts and even Humans before us who have achieved the God status and still have not reached the peak of power in this world. From Rank 1 to Rank 100 is just the beginning, you have earned the qualifications to become a player in the game. The Sea God is a great example of this, he built Sea God Island with hope that more humans would be able to join him on the road of cultivation in what you all know as the Divine realm. I admire his tenacity however his execution was poor, It's been a very long time since he has passed the Rank 100 threshold however how many have attempted to follow his path yet failed upon reaching rank 99? The difference between a Rank 99 and a Rank 100 is like comparing a Human to a cockroach. The latter can crush the former with little to no effort after Rank 100 the difference between a Rank 101 and 102 is something you cannot even fathom this continues as you move forward in the road of cultivation. As of now I have reached Rank 110 and I am at the point where I have to acquire another spirit ring to continue my progress. However, a 100,000 year old Spirit Ring is insufficient, I need something far more powerful, rich with Divine Energy, I need the Spirit ring of a 10 million year old Spirit Beast at worse."

Tang Hao listened as he caught a glimpse of how wide the world truly was, at this point in his life, on the road of a Spirit Cultivator he was seen as one of the few close to the Peak. He was hailed as the Clear Sky above, the one whose Hammer covers the Heavens, yet right now this same man felt small and insignificant. He was not even considered a player in the game of the gods!

"So we must first handle the tasks at hand as they are the most pressing, once the 13 pillars are all gathered and have reached Rank 100 we will begin. Strength allows you to move forward despite all the obstacles, Wisdom allows you to use that strength to make and acquire your goals, Comrades allow you to continue to move forward no matter how many times you are knocked down because they will help you built yourself back up. Even the Tallest tree cannot stand on it's own without support, you all will be my support that is why you are called my pillars!"

AFter he said this Tatsuo turned around and started to make his way down to the Ship as the Clans below have finished packing their things into the cargo hold. Nel and Daisuke followed as Tang Hao stayed behind for a moment and pondered on those words.

'Without support even the strongest tree cannot stand on it's own.'

Tang Hao looked at the back of Tatsuo as he thought about his wife who was brought back, able to talk,walk and embrace him one more. He thought about his son who he left so as he would not bring disaster upon him, then he thought about one that allowed him to once again show his face to these people and his clan.

'I don't know what storms we will have to weather, I don't know what trials we will have to overcome. What I do know is following you will bring more excitement and joy to my family and myself.'

After this Tang Hao followed behind Tatsuo as they made their way onto the ship and headed back to Arakydia. There was a lot of work that needed to be done.

It takes 8 Hours to travel from the mainland back to Arkaydia, Which means they cross a distance of 162,984 miles in that time traveling at 20,373 Knots on average. Which means they were traveling at Mach 27 which is 27 times the speed of sound. There were many intricate runes engraved into the ship powered by spirit power which allowed it to do so , it was a beautifly fusion of Science and the mystic arts.

The reason this is relevant due to the current country bumpkins aboard the ship as it sailed through the seas. They no longer were regretting their fate as they had the opportunity to see this level of technology. When they arrived at Arakydia they were taken away by it's beauty as it was unlike anything they have ever seen before, the rows of buildings which extended into the heavens with Tan Tower in it's center as the City was designed with expansion in mind keeping it's symetrics.

Leaving their Cargo on the ship they followed behind Tatsuo as they walked through the city seeing the people lively and without worry as they lived their day to day lives. Arriving at Tan Tower they were greeted by Tatsuo's Triplets and the 4 mad scientists.

'"Mommy! Daddy!'"

The three took off in a full sprint toward Nel and Tatsuo before jumping into their arms.

"AHH my little Titans! Daddy his missed you!"

Tatsuo carried Nelial and Tatsuki as Orochimaru, Granz, Kisake, and Mayuri walked toward him.

"Your Majesty! We has made great strides on our research and would like to show it to you later as we see you have other matters to attend to we shall take our leave!"

The four small mad men bowed then made their way back to their underground cave as Tatsuo and his new additions made their way to the Conference room to discuss their new appointments.

An Attendant pulled up a map of Arkaydia on a screen in the conference room which outlined the areas marked for settlement as well as the Great Beast Reserve of Arakydia to the north.

"Starting today and henceforth you will become Nobles of the Night Imperial Realm sent out to reclaim and rebuild the lands of the Island of Arkaydia. The Clear Sky Kingdom has already been set into place and they have done marvelously with the help of the citizens here. You all will follow in their footsteps and set up your own Kingdoms for the clans with Titled Douluo and Dukedoms for those with just Spirit Douluo. You will be given a stipend to acquire the necessary materials, and builders with the correct skillset to build your lands as you wish. My only requirements are that you adhere with the laws of the Night Imperial Realm, Clans with more than one Titled Douluo must register these Titled Douluo as only one is usually permitted in a Kingdom. Also I will treat you the same way as any other citizens under my rule therefore you must also adhere to our spirit ring requirements and techniques which I will bestow sometime later. In a few days time the Clan Heads will join me to attend my Coronation as High-Emperor. Tang Xiao will fill you in on the rest."

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