Published at 1st of September 2019 06:05:10 PM

Chapter 151

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8 Months fly by in a Flash, 5 of the 10 Continents have been reclaimed and the expedition is moving rather smoothly. The Continents they have claimed have been colonized with Citizens, Tatsuo learned from history and did not leave them there without having the ability to represent themselves in Council while also sending the necessary materials and products for them to live better lives. As these Citizens were mostly from Plane 19 and 20 their numbers were staggering, out of all his subjects he allowed 500 million to remain in their former planes while the rest were distributed among the Continents on this planet.

Many of them didn't believe there could be a planet so large until they stepped foot on it. The Planet is able to accommodate the entire population of the Night Empire spread across the Planes and many times more. The Combination of native-born crops and crops brought from the other planes, in addition to the animals, spirit beasts, chakra beasts, etc feeding them all is not an issue.

Can you picture it?

Imagine a place where food is not an issue, Money is not an issue, Education is free, Medical services are free, Poverty is nonexistent due to the issues many used to face are no longer issues. genetic defects, Birth Defects, disease or deformity of any kind have been remedied. All are able to live the life they wish to live with the exception of things that are against the law, doesn't it sound like a life you wish you could live? A life without worries?

In the people's hearts, the Emperor was a man of his word that has allowed them to live such a life.

And the man that has accomplished all of this is staring at his next target, a Continent which resides on the equator. The same continent which the ones from the Douluo Continent called the divine realm.

Tatsuo looked at the Paradise known as the divine realm and thought about the ones that came before him.

'At this point, there shouldn't be any human god more powerful than I, however, I can feel the strong divinity coming from that Continent. There are Spirit Beasts that have lived more than 100 million years on this Continent, I currently have 4 Divine Rings in addition to my 9 Rings from the foundation stage of cultivation on both of my Spirits. I could be considered the peak of Humanity yet these old spirit beasts are a force to be reconded with.'

Tatsuo turned his head around, currently, he was standing on the deck of the Flagship. Behind him stood Daisuke, Dugu Bo, Tang Hao, and Tang San, he looked at them all and said.

"The Earlier Continents did not have anything which was able to threaten me, but from this point onwards the spirit Beasts will be as strong if not stronger than I. This will be an uphill battle that I will not shy away from, Daisuke and the rest have been with me since the very beginning so I do not doubt his conviction but you 3 are new and Bibi Dong has no choice so tell me what do you think?"

Dugu Bo looked into the Eyes of Tatsuo and smiled while thinking of his Son, granddaughter, and grandson, without the man in front of him, his family would have died from the spirit they inherited from himself. He would be stuck at level 91 Titled Douluo unable to make further progress, his life would be empty on the inside yet from the outside he would be a matter which many would envy.

There was no doubt in his heart that whatever trials the would face from this point onward would be something the previous half of his life could never compare too. Despite this, his mind was clear of worry. He felt the very point of this expedition was to assist his benefactor with his goals in any way he could. So he agreed without hesitation, he felt this test of his faith was unnecessary yet nonetheless he voiced that he would follow Tatsuo.

The Other Two had similar thoughts in their minds so they allow voiced they would follow Tatsuo.

The High-Emperor then turned his sights on the Divine realm once more. His eyes and heart saw a challenge that he has not seen in many, many Millennia.

He thought back to when he first arrived in Plane 20, he was excited, he was enthusiastic, yet he was clueless and could only rely on Siri to give him the strength necessary to survive. Throughout the years he became able to walk his own path, forge his own ideals and create something no one has been able to do before.

He was once the lowest of the low, now he is a Noble existence which Billions look up too. The Pressure is on yet it just added to his excitement, his blood flowed with vigor as he clenched his fists staring at the divine realm.

This would be the gauntlet he must overcome to reach his goals.

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He looked back and saw the other ships filled with people that have followed him to this point with the same blind faith as the three standing in front of him. He must protect these men and women to allow them to return to their families, he must also defend himself so that he could return to his family.

Yet there was no feeling of them being a burden, there were only determination and an unyielding spirit with high mental fortitude. Even if there are other more powerful than him at this time, so what?

In the end, they will all bow their heads and say Hail His Eminence, Forever may he reign.

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