Published at 7th of April 2019 08:46:49 PM

Chapter 49

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Every tailed beast was extracted from their Jinchurikis safely without any lives lost and placed within the Land of Swamps given a period of freedom while preparations for the Great War are made. Yet no one but Ichizo knows that this great war is even coming.

According to the Main story Minato Should have died three years ago during the Nine Tails attack however, due to my intervention events have been delayed drastically. Naruto was born without any complications to a loving Family, according to Father's letter He eliminated The masked invader that attempted to harm Kushina. So now Kushina and Minato have 2 children instead of one, Mother and Father also made another child in addition to Sasuke we now have a Little sister named Akiri.

So I have deviated extremely Far from the original timeline. The Goal's of Madara and Black Zetsu have not yet been thwarted only delayed, Its time to move the Uchiha out of the Leaf so no one will be tempted by anyone to Join Black Zetsu and Madara. I also have to get Nagato, he has Madara's Rinnegan which makes him a extremely valuable asset.

The Rinnegan makes things more interesting no matter what I throw at him the Preta Path could just absorb the Chakra so sending a Jokyunin won't work this time. The Rinnegan also has unique abilities only unlocked by the host of the Dojutsu. I Want it!

'Siri, Purchase Asura's Bloodline.'


{Asura Bloodline Purchased!

Due to possessing a bloodline and Body which surpasses Indra himself with the Addition of the Asura Bloodline you have recreated an Ancient Celestial Tribal Bloodline: Zenkichi. The Zenkichi existed long before the Otsutsuki clan came to be, in Fact the Otsutsuki Clan's Kekkei Mora the Rinne-Sharingan as well as the Byakugan were derived from the Zenkichi clan's Kekkei Mora the Zettaigan (Absolute Eye). The Zettaigan is The origin of All Dojutsu therefore nothing escapes its Sight, nothing is more powerful, and All must Submit before the Gaze.

Congratulations Ichizo Zenkichi!}

My Body Shook, Chakra began draining from all Living things as well as the Atmosphere to fuel the changes that I was undergoing. I quickly teleport to the Land of Demons so I would not kill everyone in my Kingdom where I collapse as all the Chakra floods my Body.

The very earth Shakes as my Body Forces open the 4th Gate followed by the 5th, his Hair Changes from Black to a Bright White color. Blue Particles of Condensed chakra flow though the strands of my hair giving it an appearance of being Alive. His eyes change, The Blue color lightens as a Ripple pattern appears With 10 Tomoe resting around the eye.

{Congratulations for Activating the Zettaigan!

Rewards: Ability to Use All Chakra natures Freely}

[Name: Ichizo Zenkichi Age:?? Bloodline: Zenkichi (Pre-Ascension)

STR:?? AGL:?? DEX:?? INT:?? WIS:?? CHA:??

Chakra Natures: Fire(Origin), Earth(Origin), Lightning(Origin), Water(Origin), Wind(Origin), Yin(Origin), Yang(Origin), Celestial(Origin)


Divine Gates: 1st Gate of Youth(Open), 2nd Gate of Physique(Open), 3rd Gate of Wisdom(Open), 4th Gate of Power(Open), 5th Gate of Rebirth(Open), 6th Gate of View(Sealed), 7th Gate of Wonder(Sealed), 8th Gate of Limit(Sealed), 9th Gate of Insight(Sealed), 10th Gate of Ascension(Sealed)

Siri Points:7834

Siri's Comment: You are a Celestial now, a being that is blessed by the Laws of This universe. All Jutsu is at your despoil, once you Ascend the true properties of your Bloodline are able to be used]

The Notifications ran off in His head but he was trying to understand what just happened, He sat on Crystal like surface created due to the pressure that accompanied his growth. The surrounding area was wiped clear of any life, not even grass remained.

He stood up as the knowledge of his bloodline surged from within, It was like something was helping him on his road to power. He then used his Zettigan to make mature his body slightly, after being in a Child's body for eight years "Lucas" was getting sick of it.

He now looked a lot like Itachi when he was in the Akastsuki. He Used his Chakra to create an outfit Similar to that of what Itachi wore in the Akastsuki but instead of a Black cloak with Red clouds, He Wore a Dark Purple Cloak with His Majesty the King Written in Kanji on the Back in Gold. Atop his Head Sat a Golden crown similar to the others, once satisfied he stepped through space to arrive at in the Land of Rain.


What Ichizo did not know is that when His Zettigan Activated for the first time All Dojutsu wielders felt it awaken. An Eye that Can see through all constantly watching what its Children are doing.

*In an Unknown Place*

"A Supreme Being has just been born but from the Feeling I just got it doesn't appear he has completely activated his Bloodline yet."

"Yes, you are right. I hate that he will be able to find us yet we have no idea where he is."

"I guess we will have to search Everywhere, Once a Supreme Matures even Gods will Fall before that Gaze."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!