Published at 7th of April 2019 08:46:18 PM

Chapter 76

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Ichizo Walked through Hueco Mundo looking for a Vasto Lorde or Adjucha that matches Ulquiorra's and Stark's appearance until one day he came across his target. Sitting at the base of a White tree with many sharp spines was a White Hollow with long Black hair. This Vasto Lorde was sleek it's only noticeable trait was the two protrusions on his head.

Ichizo walked towards this Hollow who became vigilant once he noticed a strange entity approaching. Ichizo walked slowly, unperturbed by the vigilance of the Hollow as he observed the Tree. The Energy coming off the tree was pure reishi of such a high concentration that even High class Menos Grande would benefit just being near it.

Placing his hand on the Tree Ichizo began to speak.

"In this vast desert practically devoid of life this tree is the only thing of Note. For Almost a thousand years I have lived in Hueco Mundo, I have done a lot to reach the point that I am in now but all of that could have been solved if I just found this damn Tree."

Then Ichizo turned to Ulquiorra and looked into those Blue eyes of his.

"To think that you stumbled across this by chance, do you have any Idea what that can do for you if you could completely absorb it?"

"No, I merely liked the way it looked."

At Ulquiorra's reponse Ichizo was at a loss on how to respond so he instead changed the topic.

"I understand that Vasto Lorde are solitary beings but they at least have Adjuchas working for them in a give take relationship. Why are you all alone?"

"In this empty world of Black I am the only being that is white other Hollows steer clear of me."

"Look closely at me I am a Hollow but am I a being of Black? I may be wearing Black slacks but my body itself do I look anything like the Hollows you have encountered?"

"How is this Possible? Even I a Vasto Lorde do not resemble the Humans as much as you do. Were you Born at this Level because I can tell you a far more powerful than I am."

"I am currently the highest class of Menos Grande an Arrancar and no I wasn't born this way I was originally a Gillian but that was over 900 years ago."

Ulquiorra looked at Ichizo in shock with wide eyes of admiration, he knew how difficult it was to advance to a higher class as he was once an adjucha but the Hollow in front of him became something far more powerful than him from a weak foot soldier like the Gillians. He wanted to be like the Hollow in front of him in order to survive in Hueco Mundo the weak follow the strong that was ingrained in their genetics.

"What do I have to do to become like you?"

"Serve me and I will bring you to highest you have never even imagined, betray me and hell will shudder at your outcome. All I ask is for your loyalty and friendship and I can promise you a fulling existence."

"I will do as you say. May I ask for your name?"

"I am Ichizo Sentori, currently to alleviate the boredom of Immortality I am Espada Cero in Aizen's arrancar army."

"There are more like you? And Who is this Aizen? I am Ulquiorra by the way."

"Yes, there are more like me but I alone stand at the top. Aizen is a Soul Reaper that asked for my cooperation in his task to destroy the Soul Society. I agreed because I honestly had nothing better to do. If you are going to serve me you will become an Espada as well if you are not ranked at least 4 we have no reason to be in this Master servant relationship do you understand?"

"Yes, I completely understand well not the Espada part but everything else. What do I have to do to become an Arrancar?"

Ichizo didn't answer his question but instead placed his hand on the tree.

'Siri, scan the Reishi concentration of this tree and create a potion that will allow a Vasto Lorde to advance to Arrancar.'

[Acknowledged. scan complete, creating Potion of Evolution]

In Ichizo's hand a small bottle of Sky blue liquid appeared which he handed to Ulquiorra.

"Drink this."

Ulquiorra took the bottle and drank it without even questioning it's contents, he knew that if Ichizo wanted to kill him there would be no need for him to use such a roundabout method.

Immediately the Potion of Evolution did it's job as Ulquiorras body began to shrunk to 5 foot 6 inches tall his Hollow form disappeared until a naked youth with Pale white skin, a black upper lip, Green-blue eyes with small slits for pupils appeared. He had short messy black hair, thick eyebrows, with teal lines that descended from his eyes, the reminder of his hollow mask was much smaller than in the Anime as the former half helmet only descended to slightly above his eyebrows. His Hollow hole is located at his Sternum.

Before Ulquiorra could say anything Ichizo purchased the Uniform he wore on the Anime from siri.

"Put this on, I don't have the habit of inspecting nude men."

Ulquiorra quickly complied and got dressed.

"Aizen will want you to look a his Zanpakuto when he meets you to place you under his complete hypnosis However that doesn't matter as I have already placed my power on you therefore you have nothing to worry about. Now we have one more Hollow to find before we return."

With this Ichizo has began building his forces in Plane 19.

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