Published at 18th of October 2023 07:16:59 AM

Chapter 55

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Rue, who was listening to the head maid’s requests with a soulless face, nodded to my question. 

“Then pick me up from the market in half-an-hour.”  


“I’ll wait in front of the pub named <Piece of Land.>  

“I have to go on foot?”  


“Hmm, even though we’re indeed a couple who even slept in the same bed, it’s not like I want to burden my insensitive husband, who broke our wedding ring, with any more favors.”  

Insensitive husband, 

It wasn’t something I wanted to be called by a man who stood tall enough to cast a shadow over my head. 


Of course, even if he had dragged me around as a slave after burdening me with his debts, his appearance wouldn’t have been a problem. Jean, who was hanging on the second-floor wall, cleaning the exterior glass window, let out a sigh of admiration. 


“You’re married.” 

Did she think we were married? I threw an irritated glance at Rue. 

“I’ll withdraw that request. Wait till I get back.”  

“Oh, so I’ll be staying in the mansion like a well-trained dog, waiting for Miss Daisy to return?”

“And Junior. That thing and I are not married. I would rather die than marry him.”

“How cold. If it were me, I would raise you well instead of dying. Of course, I’m talking about Miss Daisy. Remember that when it’s lonely.”


I ignored Rue’s smile and headed for the market. 

The wedding ring.

It was a tactic that Rue often used when he wanted to bully me.  

But today was a little different. The wedding ring technique has had a very beneficial effect on me today. 


Namely, the fact that I would be able to wield violence more easily because of my newly flared anger.


‘Ah, I’m angry.’ 


Thanking Rue for rousing the dormant anger inside me, I directly went to the pub upon entering the market and pushed the door as soon as I arrived.



It didn’t budge.

Was it locked from the inside? But it hadn’t been locked since I left the pub to the assassin-butler. That meant that the suspicious fellow had been the one to lock it.


“Do you have an axe?” 


When I asked the people who’d gathered around in a circle to watch, the butcher quickly stepped forward.


“Here! Use this.”

“Thank you. Now please get away. Your head might fly if something goes wrong.”


I gently pushed the butcher away and struck the door with the axe. 




Even as the wooden door broke, the cracked frame made it difficult to fully see the inside. After making a few more cracks in the door with the axe, I reached my arm through the gap and unlocked the locked latch. 

Click. With a gloomy noise, sunlight poured into the pub’s interior. The first sight that caught my eye was the organization members sitting in a row, kneeling towards the front wall.


All of them quivered on the floor with their mouths gagged. I stepped inside as the sawdust began to settle in the air.

At that moment, 


“You’re reckless!”

A figure standing behind the door rushed towards me, shattering the silence. Swoosh, a blade sliced through the air and descended above my head. It was a clumsy sword strike, lacking weight, sharpness, and even clarity. It would have been better if they’d used a gun instead.


As I grabbed and stopped the blade between my index and middle fingers, the startled intruder, with a scruffy beard, spat out a curse.


“Well aren’t you a brave meddler? If so, you must be the one who dared to touch our branch… you bi-”


His body, unable to deal the light kick I gave him, flew back and hit the wall.

I ripped off the pieces of cloth covering the members’ mouths.


As soon as their mouths freed, the members breathed out in unison.

“Miss! He’s from Berithlet!”

“He accused us of betraying them and was questioning us!”


I continued to look at them.

“We didn’t say a word, Miss. In return however, we were beaten to the point our faces were swollen.”


Among them, the butler, the calmest of the bunch, pointed to the members’ bruised faces as evidence of their loyalty.


“Good job.” 

While the grown man seemed to blush from my praise, the merchants’ shy whispers came from behind.


“What’s Berithlet?”  

“I don’t know. I guess he’s a gangster from another town. The gangsters in our neighborhood have changed for the better a long time ago, that idiot. Tsk tsk.” 

“Young lady, watch your back!”


A cry stopped the chatter at once.



The intruder, having approached me from the back like a rat, swung his sword at me. Since I expected it, I kicked the blade with a back kick.




The intruders’ blade broke into half with a weak noise.

The intruder’s eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at the remaining half of the sword, then let out a forceful snort before taking a step back.


“Hey, woman. I don’t know what your intentions are, but you’ve made a mistake. Berithlet doesn’t tolerate those who interfere with our work just walk away…”

 “Hush.” With that, I slapped him across the cheek, leaving a clear hand mark on his white skin, and he collapsed on the ground. 


Unfortunately, it was almost time for me to board the train, so I had no room to inquire about the intruder’s personal circumstances. 

I had a sense of responsibility for my errand. That is the true duty of a maid.


“Whaaat? Is that it?”

“Tsk. young people these days have no backbone, no grit.”

The merchants, who had been watching with anticipation, started dispersing one by one. The organization members, gradually regaining control, cautiously examined the intruder’s condition once more, looking somewhat embarrassed.


“Miss, indeed, we can only depend on you!”

“I’ll do my best to be diligent! Please continue to lead us well. As for the older Mister, we’ll take him to be a father figure, and you, miss, to be a mother figure.”

Who asked you to do that?


The clock in the pub indicated 9:30 p.m. 

The time was tight considering I had to go to the Weatherwoods mansion and then the Midwinterre station.


“I have to go. Tie him up properly.” 

“Alright! Should I hand him over to the mister?” 



I turned to leave the pub, considering taking the route by using the roofs instead of streets.

Even though the market was inconveniently small, in front of the pub’s door stood a large, shiny carriage.


“Where are you going in such a hurry?”

Through the gap in the half-open carriage door, a handsome man could be seen. He was the owner of the carriage. The partner who awakened my violent tendencies, Rue. 


Despite the chaotic state of the overturned pub, Rue didn’t even ask about what happened. He only extended his hand out to me.


Sawdust was smeared on the tips of his long, smooth fingers. I watched his distant white hand with a strange feeling and let out a small cough. 


“You said you wouldn’t come.” 


He always does this. He speaks in a snide manner, despite knowing that he’ll give in. Was rejecting me amusing to him? 


“Oh, Mr. Rue. Do you happen to need any workers?” 


Instead of answering, Rue glanced at the coachman. It was a questioning gaze. Without even a hint of surprise, as if the butler assassin had been waiting, he replied. 


“It’s not necessarily essential, but I often think it would be nice to have a skilled employee who is adept at household chores. The servants at the Eachus Mansion excel in various kills but often lack finesse, resulting in tasks needing to be done twice.” 


Well, that worked out perfectly. It was good timing.  

I went into the pub and dragged out the intruder that was sprawled on the floor. 


“There’s no one better at delicacy than a maid. Take him and use him as a maid from today.” 


The assassin-butler first scanned the suspicious man with a gaze that seemed to say, ‘This bandit?‘ Then, with a gaze that questioned my sanity, he scanned me, as if asking, ‘Has she gone mad?’ 

“There are plenty of spare maid uniforms in The Weatherwoods. I’ll lend you the largest size, so you can have it altered.”


 “By the way, he’s a member of the guild <Berithlet>. He was bothering our… no, the righteous members of the pub’s organization.”


The once uninterested gaze of the assassin-butler sharpened abruptly. 

“Towards the righteous pub staff?… I understand. I will ensure he receives proper training as a maid.” 


And so, the intruder who would become the first maid of the Eachus Mansion, was tightly bound like a piece of luggage and put next to the assassin-butler. As we boarded the carriage, the horse’s head turned towards the direction of Midwinterre Station. While I was enjoying the luxury of the plush seat and gazing outside, I suddenly felt a sting on one of my cheeks.


Rue was staring at me.

Why? Oh, right.

“Thank you for picking me up.”


Rue didn’t even listen to the squeezed words of thanks.

“A maid’s uniform… did you always have that sort of taste? It’s way beyond my expectations.”

What are you saying?

“Or perhaps, could it be that I unintentionally helped Miss Daisy awaken her hidden kink? Hmm. I feel somewhat responsible.” 


I wondered what he was talking about, but it ended up being my way of dealing with the intruder and turning him into a maid.

It was ridiculous. 


“Mr. Rue, sometimes you…”

Rue silently looked at me.

“Even refuting you makes me feel tired.” 


Haha. He laughed dryly once and answered, touching his ear.


“It’s fortunate that it’s only sometimes. You do it to me every day.”

 “Don’t exaggerate.” 

“I wish I were exaggerating. Sometimes, I feel strange when I find myself unconsciously looking at you, Miss Daisy.”


 His words made my mood even more complex.

Wasn’t that a confession? Unconsciously being aware of the other person? Feeling unfamiliar with yourself for your actions?


By any chance, 

“Mr. Rue, do you like me?”


Rue locked his eyes with mine.

Oh, that was a really strange look. 

His expression was full of very complex emotions. It was a face that I didn’t know where to begin or how to interpret. At the same time, His gaze was engulfed in what seemed like anguish and contemplation. 


That expression was difficult to define in words.

There was nothing I could do. I had no choice but to give him a serious warning.


“Don’t fall in love with me. Mr. Rue, you will only end up getting hurt.”

Rue’s eyes widened even more. His golden eyes shimmered with clear amusement and astonishment. Finally, he spoke in a voice that seemed like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.


“Miss Daisy is the first person to say such amazing nonsense in front of me.” 

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