Published at 18th of October 2023 07:16:59 AM

Chapter 72

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Traces of the first oath.


With whom and where did I make this pledge?


As I pondered this question, memories of the past, trapped deep in the dark abyss I had built over the past 14 years, resurfaced.


* * * *


Imperial Southern Archipelago. 


The small island located at the southernmost tip of the archipelago, Queen Island.

On that day, I was swimming at the beach. 




Damn it. Another failure today. 


After roughly wringing out the water from my soaked clothes, I crossed the beach and climbed up the rocks.


 I opened the bag I had thrown there and unfolded the map of Queen Island that I had tucked inside. 


‘The beach, between the rocks on the left, underneath…’

 I double-checked to make sure I hadn’t missed any spots, then picked up a pen. I marked a large X on the map, right where I was standing, the land beach.


‘Now that five places have been failures, there are about seven places left.’

 I looked up at the sky, which was already halfway reddened. 

The nights on the island passed quickly. 

It seemed like I should return home before it got too late. After grabbing my bag and dusting off the dirt, as I moved, I momentarily stopped in the gaps between the pine trees, catching a glimpse of something. 


‘There he is again, that man.’


It was the third time I had encountered his face today.

 The first time was on the western beach, the second time on the northwest beach, and now on the northwest-north beach, Land Beach. 


It was something that couldn’t be simply attributed to pure coincidence unless one was a fool. ‘He doesn’t seem to be a resident of Queen Island.’

 His clothes looked strange too. 

Why did he keep following me? 

‘Is he just some crazy person wandering around the sea?’ 


The world was going mad, and people were going mad too. 

For some reason, I felt a little sorry for the man. 


The next day, I swam in the sea again.



Splash, splash.

Unfortunately, at the hour the sun was still high in the sky, rain drops began to fall.

Judging by the state of the clouds and the flow of the air, it was going to rain heavily soon.


‘Of all times…’

Should I go back? 


The newly discovered beach was twice as large as the western beaches, so it would take at least 2-3 days to thoroughly search the area. 


If I wasted time like this, the search would be delayed, and if it kept getting delayed… 


“Okay, no. Depressing thoughts end here.”


It would be even worse if something happened while I continued exploring. 

I decided to pick up my bag and head back home. 


But then, I saw that man again. The man with strange clothes and stranger hair. 

Normally, I could just ignore him and pass by, but maybe because I was planning to waste the whole day anyway, my steps naturally led me towards the man. 


Splash, splash. I arrived on the rocks where small raindrops were spreading, and I plopped down next to the man, asking him. 


“Mister, who are you and why do you keep following me?” 

The man raised an eyebrow as if surprised that I spoke to him, then a mischievous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. 


“I came here first today.” 

“Then, do you admit that you were following me until yesterday?” 


“Do you admit it?”



 He closed his mouth because it was disadvantageous for him. 

With narrowed eyes, he examined my face and burst into a slightly deeper laughter. 

“It’s fascinating.” 


“Is this your first time seeing a person?”

“It’s not that it’s my first time seeing someone, but… isn’t meeting the only resident of this island fascinating enough?”


Perhaps it was due to his normal and logical way of speaking, but the man seemed even stranger in my eyes. 


Why did this perfectly sane man come to a deserted island that had been burned to the ground?

What was his purpose?

No, was there even a purpose? Maybe he was just wandering around all day. 


‘It’s suspicious.’ 

Without saying anything more, I began to make my way home. 

As I continued walking, the raindrops became heavier, making it difficult to see. And finally, when I arrived home and opened the front door. 


“You’ve been walking for a long time. Roaming around those distant beaches.”

 What? When did he start following me? 


I glared at the man who was standing closely behind me with an audacious face. 


“Do you have business with me? If not, please leave.” 

The man didn’t even bother to listen to what I said as I stepped inside my house. 


“You’re cold. Weren’t you the one who pretended to know me back there? Wasn’t that an invitation to dinner?” 

“That’s not it.”

 “Then how about doing it now? I’m giving you a precious opportunity to invite me for dinner.” 

“I don’t want to…” 


CRASH! That was when it happened. 


Not far from my house, a tree struck by lightning came crashing down with a loud noise.

It was a common sight on Queen’s Island. 


If this unnecessarily tall man happened to get struck by lightning while walking… 

That would be quite a heavy burden of guilt. 


‘Is it okay to let this man in?’

 It might not be okay. But if I refuse, this man would surely get drenched in the rain and might even catch a severe cold


 “…Come in.” As soon as I pulled the man inside, I closed the door.

Then I lit a fire in the wooden fireplace with the matches stored in a scrap metal box. 

As the warm heat spread, the unpleasant dampness of the rain slightly dissipated. 


The man looked around the messy house and let out a short remark. 

“What a romantic house. I can feel the breath of nature.” 

“Don’t worry. It won’t collapse in this kind of storm.” 



The man, with his back hunched, grabbed two buckets on the floor that were collecting rainwater and poured the water outside the door. 

He was strong.


 “Thank you.”

 “You’re welcome.” 

Dust that made one feel nauseous in the pouring rain, wind coming through the covered holes in the wall. 


This house was not actually our home. 

Our home was completely burned down, leaving behind only the land. 

I was somewhat borrowing this relatively intact building in the neighborhood for temporary shelter. I searched the burned-down neighborhood for usable cloth and daily necessities, and always kept dry firewood in preparation for days like today. 


The stocks were limited, but I could still survive for a while. 

I poured water into a blackened pot and asked. 

“Sir, are you trapped on this island? Did the boat you came on break down?” 


The man, who had been searching every corner of the house with an interested look, looked at me strangely. 

“Trapped? Well, I do have something I’m looking for.”

 “Is it something related to me or this place?”

 “Oh, the imagination of young ladies your age is particularly rich.”

 “Then why did you follow me?” 

“Just because. It’s boring to be alone.” 


It was an unexpected answer. Perhaps he wasn’t desperately searching for something.

 “In a way, we’re the same. I’m also looking for something.” 

“So, that’s why you’re staying alone in these ruins, unable to leave this dying island?” 


I shrugged my shoulders, not wanting to answer. 

Today’s meal was special. 


A can of tomato soup found among the piles of blackened ashes. 

I poured the heated soup into a clean cup and handed it to him. 

Even if he was an uninvited guest, he was still a guest. 

“Please have some.” 

The man accepted the cup without hesitation. It seemed like he was the type to accept something. 


“Hmm. It’s a splendid treat. Thank you, I’ll enjoy it.” 

He drank the soup without hesitation and fell silent for a while.

As if frozen. Just staring at the bottom of the cup.


 “…Is it not good?” 


Did it go bad? It had rolled in the fire multiple times and been exposed to the scorching sun for a long time. 


“Can I empty my stomach and come back?”

 “Is it really spoiled? Wait a moment, let me get a bucket to vomit in…” 

“Just kidding.” 


Then he emptied the cup with a second sip. That made me annoyed.


I hung a clothesline between the walls, placing it near the fireplace. 


“Put your clothes here. If you keep wearing them, they won’t dry properly, and in the worst case, you might catch a cold. There’s no medicine here, so you have to be careful.”


“Right now, in a room with just a man and a woman, are you telling me to take off my clothes?” “It’s okay. I’ll undress too.”

“That’s sexual harassment.”


 What are you saying? This shameless bastard came in and even managed to get a free meal.

 But it’s not like I can forcibly undress even though he’s pushing for sexual harassment.


 I opened a second scrap metal box and threw a generously sized set of blackened indoor clothes. 


“You might catch a cold, so undress. Take off your clothes and put on those.” 

“You’re being too forward on our first meeting, it’s confusing, miss. Did you fall for me at first sight? It happens often.” 


“If you keep irritating me, I’ll kick you out. Got it?” 

With the front door wide open, the man started unbuttoning his clothes that he was wearing, as if making a threat. 


Considering his convenience, I went outside and washed the dishes with rainwater. I was tired. When I came back into the room, the man was sprawled on my bed, wrapped up in a blanket. Ignoring him, I stood in front of the fireplace and began to undress. The man turned his body towards the wall and spoke as if he had been waiting.


“It’s a little loose, but it fits well enough. Are these clothes also something you picked up?” “Those are my little brother’s clothes.” 

“Looks like your little brother was quite tall.” 

“Yes, he was. He was the tallest on this island. When I was young, he used to tease me by calling me little. Then I would squeeze his cheeks until he cried.”

“Is that so? The siblings are both brave. Is your little brother also on this island?”


 I didn’t answer and dried myself with a towel. 

Ah, now that I’ve changed into dry clothes, I feel alive again. 


The night was already as dark as dawn, and I felt as sleepy as always. 

I couldn’t gather the courage to sleep on the damp floor, so I pushed the man towards the wall and occupied half of the bed. 


The man groaned while hunching his large frame. 


“Not only did you undress a man you just met, but you’re even putting him to sleep in the same bed? Your hospitality is quite something.” 


“I’m sorry, but I don’t have the energy to respond to jokes right now. Just remember that I’m only letting you sleep here tonight.” 



Is it because it’d been a long time since I’d felt such warmth? I felt strange. 


As I fell asleep faintly against the backdrop of the rough sound of rain, the bed creaked and shook. 


The slope of the bed decreased, as if the man had gotten off. 

Sensing his presence heading towards the old wooden chair, I fell into an even deeper sleep.


I hope I can find my little brother tomorrow.


Omg. they’ve met before.

Also honestly I’d always been curious about how exactly Daisy changed her appearance to Andert, and I feel like we’re close to finding that out.

Thank you again for the ko-fi, oatmeal! ^^

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!