Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:58:43 AM

Chapter 1008: Make a lot of money by showing off your power (1)

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Chapter 1008: Make a lot of money by showing off your power (1)

Chapter 1008: Show your power and make a lot of money (1)

In front of you is an independent house built against a mountain. There are no neighboring houses around it. There are only a few courtyards that cover a large area in a radius of more than a mile. It seems that they were built here by wealthy families in the city.

The courtyard occupies a very large area. At a glance, you can't see the corners of the courtyard wall, nor can you see the end point. What's going on inside? The light shines from the vermilion gate tower, and the rows of green tiles on the corners are carved with figures. You can also get a glimpse of the lifelike carps playing with beads.

This house not only shocked Xin'er, but also Mo Yan and the others. Zhen'er looked at the door that was more than ten feet high and couldn't hide the excitement on her face: "This yard is really big, maybe there can be horse racing in it!"

Xin'er slapped her younger brother on the shoulder and gloated: "Master punished you to copy the book of rites, but you still want to play with it. The punishment is not severe enough!"

Zhen'er's face fell, and she looked at her second sister and said resentfully: "When the younger brother makes a mistake, the older sister will help him correct his mistakes. The second sister is better. She doesn't even say that she helps me copy, but even laughs at me. We are... Brothers and sisters?"

Zhen'er's eyes lit up and he immediately became energetic: "I'm tired, of course I'm tired! Just wait, I'll knock on the door." After saying that, he walked quickly to the vermilion door with his short legs, stretched out his hand and knocked. The brass ring is higher than him.

After a few clicks, a slightly sharp female voice soon came from inside: "Come on, come on, don't knock anymore -" As soon as the words fell, the door opened from the inside.

The person who opened the door was an upright-looking woman with a woman's hair. The woman looked very young, about twenty-five or six years old. She was wearing an indigo silk shirt, with two exquisite and unique silver hairpins in her hair, and a pair of gold earrings in her ears. As she kept opening the door, the woman revealed a section of her white wrist, and on her wrist were two heavy gold bracelets.

This outfit does not look like a slave, but rather looks like a young lady from a rich man's family.

While the Mo family was sizing up the woman, the woman was also sizing up the Mo family. Seeing that the Mo family's clothes were unusual and their demeanor was not that of ordinary people, the impatience on their faces faded away, but their voices were still sharp: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

my home? Mo Yan raised her eyebrows and grabbed Zhen'er who was about to introduce herself: "We are looking for Zheng Dafu, please call him out." Zheng Dafu is the steward who found Mojia Village in Chun Shang, and one of the affairs in Zhuangzi He's taking care of everything.

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