Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:58:25 AM

Chapter 1020: Poisonous oath as an excuse to cause trouble (1)

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Chapter 1020: Poisonous oath as an excuse to cause trouble (1)

Chapter 1020: Poisonous oath as an excuse to attack (1)

In Dachu, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a grand festival with various customs, such as lighting lanterns, guessing riddles, appreciating osmanthus flowers, drinking osmanthus wine, playing with lanterns, etc. Of course, worshiping the moon **** and eating moon cakes are indispensable.

As night falls, beautiful rams horn lanterns are hung high on the eaves, casting a soft light over the entire house.

In the middle of the courtyard, a large incense table was set up, with offerings such as moon cakes, watermelons, chestnuts, and red dates placed on it. No matter how poor the family is, when worshiping the moon god, they will offer moon cakes and watermelon on the incense table. The watermelon is also cut into lotus shapes, which symbolizes reunion, so it is also called "Reunion Melon".

Everyone stood in front of the altar table, looking up at the east, waiting for the moon to rise. When the red moon slowly jumped out of the horizon and was completely full, Mo Qingze held incense in both hands and knelt on the ground to worship.

After Mo Qingze bowed, it was Mo Yan's turn. But at the moment when she was kneeling on the ground holding the incense, Xiao Ruiyuan, who was standing aside, suddenly stepped forward, held her hand and knelt on the ground with her, with a pious expression. Incomparable.

Xiao Ruiyuan shook his head, but subconsciously covered his abdomen with his hand. When Mo Yan looked over, he took it down calmly.

Seeing this, Mo Yan didn't understand anything, and she felt distressed and angry at the same time: "You know you can't eat it, but you insist on stuffing it in. Are you stupid?"

A flash of surprise flashed across Xiao Ruiyuan's stern face, he pursed his lips tightly and said nothing, and was too embarrassed to look at Mo Yan.

Pfft! Mo Yan couldnt help but laugh out loud. When she saw Xiao Ruiyuan looking over with a dark face, she quickly stopped and said, Follow my father, Ill go to the kitchen to boil some pepper water first.

Pepper water helps digestion. If you eat too much or eat too many things that cause abdominal bloating, drinking a bowl of it will relieve it.

"What are you cooking this for? Can you drink it?" Xiao Ruiyuan asked in confusion. Apparently, in his eyes, pepper was a condiment that didn't taste very good, and he didn't know that it had another use.

Mo Yan felt that if he told the truth, this guy would probably be angry, so he made a random excuse: "The moon-viewing platform is near the water and the humidity is heavy, and it is cold at night. I boil some pepper water to drive away the dampness and cold."Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

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