Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:57:34 AM

Chapter 1048: Arranging for Yan Yan to commit suicide (1)

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Chapter 1048: Arranging for Yan Yan to commit suicide (1)

Chapter 1048 Arranging for Yan Yan to commit suicide (1)

Yang Bao came to Mo Yan about greenhouse vegetables.

Last year, almost all of the 35 families who followed the Mo family to grow vegetables in greenhouses moved to spacious and bright brick houses this year. It only took one winter to turn thatched houses into brick houses. This tangible benefit was more impactful than carts of vegetables, which affected the villagers who had not participated in the planting.

I missed an opportunity to make a fortune in vain, and everyone beat their chests and regretted endlessly. They just wished they could turn back time, even if they tried to sell iron to gain a fortune.

Later, the greenhouse was demolished. When the villagers were cultivating the vegetable land, they were looking forward to building a greenhouse in the village this year. Then they would do whatever they wanted. Even if they lost money, they would not complain. After all, the rewards were too generous. , no one can resist the temptation of getting rich in one winter.

When Yang Bao heard this, his eyebrows widened, and he quickly took out the compiled list from his sleeve and put it on the table: "Girl Yan, all the people who want to build a greenhouse are here. Those who can contribute money and are willing to work hard. You just dont have the money but you have the energy. Its up to you whether you want these people to follow you or not.

As the village chief, Yang Bao naturally hopes that every household will participate. In this way, when the people in the village become rich, he, the village chief, will also have a bright face. Moreover, when he is rich, his mind will be broadened, and he will not have to always worry about it. Some trivial things in the village are troublesome.

Many villagers' relationships are not harmonious, and often pull him to mediate, isn't it let the poor characters make trouble?

But he also knew that this was impossible. Many people refused to contribute money to build greenhouses and fireplaces, and were lazy by nature and unwilling to put in the effort. Even he himself looked down upon such people, and he was even less sure that Mo Yan could do it. Take a fancy. He didn't dare to agree easily, lest he make others unhappy.

Well, Ill leave this here. Uncle Yang will reply to the folks in two days. Mo Yan nodded, picked up the list, glanced at it, and put it away.

Hey, theres no need to rush this. Ill take a look at it when Yan is free. Its not an urgent matter. Yang Bao knows that Mo Yan is very busy, so hes not in a hurry.

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