Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:56:55 AM

Chapter 1074: Catch the chicken thief wisely

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Chapter 1074: Catch the chicken thief wisely

Chapter 1074: Catch the chicken thief wisely

"Yan Yatou, where did you pick up that child?" Coming out of the house, Wu asked about the child's origin.

I met Xiao Hei on his way back from the city. I dont know exactly where he came from.

The child's experience in the textile workshop was so tragic that Mo Yan didn't want to tell Wu so as not to spoil her mood. Since she really didn't know the child's true origin, she took it with him in one sentence.

"That's right..." Mrs. Wu nodded absently and murmured: "Such a small child, he looks smaller than my Sinier. He is so thin that he has no shape, and he is running in such a cold weather. When I came out, there must be no one at home...I dont know if I was abducted by a kidnapper when I was a child, or if I got lost..."

Seeing that Wu was thinking about Sini'er again, Mo Yan was glad that she had not told what happened to the child just now, otherwise she would have been thinking wildly and feel even more uncomfortable.

Obviously this topic cannot be continued, so Mo Yan quickly changed the subject: "Aunt Wu, there have just been thieves in the village. No one knows whether they will come again. You can take a dog home and you can sleep well at night." Be more secure."

Mrs. Wu came back from missing her daughter and said hesitantly: "Wong Tai Sin is having trouble finding food at the moment. Can the chicken farm be ok without one dog?"

Mo Yan smiled and said, "There are five dogs. One less dog will be fine."

When the chicken farm was first built, I dont know how many weasels were attracted, but each time they were driven back to the hole by five dogs. After many times, these weasels have learned the lesson and rarely come back to steal chickens. Even if a few are determined to do so, they just leave a patch of hair on the ground and run away in embarrassment.

Hearing this, Mrs. Wu did not refuse any more: "Thank you very much, Miss Yan. I can sleep peacefully tonight."

"Why are you so polite, Aunt Wu? That dog has a big appetite, just don't dislike it, Aunt Wu." Mo Yan said angrily, patted the ball of hair at random, and asked it to go to the chicken farm in the back mountain to get a dog.

Soon, a large dog with white flowers on a black background was brought by the hairball. Because of the good food, large appetite, and frequent drinking of spiritual spring water, the dog grew tall and strong, nearly half the size of an ordinary dog. It has sharp eyes and a strong posture, and it looks quite scary.

However, this is just the appearance of a big dog. As soon as he saw his owner Mo Yan, he instantly transformed from a "tough guy" to a "little public servant", rubbing his head and tail against his owner's legs.

Mo Yan took out a piece of chestnut cake from her purse and fed it to the big dog. She stroked its head and warned, "You will go home with Aunt Wu later. Help Aunt Wu keep the house safe. Don't leave casually at night."

Mrs. Wu couldn't help but laugh when she saw Mo Yan's serious look. She was about to say that dogs can't understand human speech, but she saw that the dog actually walked towards her and squatted down in front of her with a chestnut cake in its mouth. His eyes were soft and he looked very docile.

At this moment, Wu had no choice but to believe that this dog was humane.

After the big dog with human nature was brought back to the Wu family, he was unanimously welcomed by the Wu family. However, when they saw the big dog Fengyun wolfing down most of the bowl of soup rice and still staring eagerly at the food on the table, the family looked at each other. Seeing this, Wu finally understood that Mo Yan's words of "don't dislike it" were not just words.

When Lao Sun's house was robbed, the villagers became more vigilant and hid all the money in the house. Even the copper plates set aside for home use were dug into a hole under the bed and buried on top. Pickled cabbage jar, don't let thieves take away a penny.

However, the money can be hidden, but the livestock of the house cannot. Almost every household in Liuyang Village raises chickens, and most of them are kept in fenced yards. Building a chicken coop with just a few adobe bricks will not deter thieves at all.

No, on the third night after Lao Sun's house was robbed, all the chickens of seven or eight households in the village were stolen. There were thirty or forty of these chickens in total, and they were worth at least two taels of silver when sold at the market.

Based on the footprints left in the snow, the villagers inferred that there were four or five chicken thieves. Not to mention that the person who was robbed didn't notice it at night. Even if he knew that the chicken thieves were coming, they might have a knife or something in their hand. There would be no benefit in going head-on.

Although on an average, each family's loss is not very big, no one will be happy if the chickens they have worked hard to raise for a year are stolen like this. The women who lost the chickens stood at the door with knives and chopping boards and yelled curses. Even if they knew that the chicken thieves couldn't hear, they could still use this to vent their anger. They just hoped that God would be wise and let the chicken thieves suffer the consequences. .

When news of the incident reached the Mo family, Zhen'er said in confusion: "Our chicken farm has thousands of chickens. Why didn't the chicken thieves steal it? Even if there were big dogs guarding them, just throw away a few pieces of meat that had been fed with medicine." Wouldnt it be better to take dog medicine? Dazhus dog died from the medicine.

Upon hearing this, Xin'er pushed her brother on the back of the head mercilessly: "I have never seen anyone expecting a thief to steal their home. Are you a fool?"

Woof woof woof

Soon, dogs barked one after another in the orchard. The chicken thieves were startled at first, and then their hearts were in their throats. They all stood on tiptoes to see what was happening over there, but they could only see white snow. and black thorns. Only by the sound of the dog barking could one judge whether the eight people had successfully lured the dog away.

Boss, it seems like its done. Listening to the barking of dogs getting farther and farther away, one of the chicken thieves suppressed his excitement and whispered to the boss.

The chicken-stealing boss slapped him on the head and said displeasedly: "I'm not a fool or a deaf person. If you have any success, why do you need to talk so much?"

Yes, yes, yes, boss, you are wise and powerful, and you can predict things like a god! The chicken thief touched his sore head and whispered a few lines from the opera he heard to flatter the boss, feeling extremely excited.

After doing this job, he will be able to get a lot of money, and the adults and children in the family will also have warm meals to eat. As long as he gets through the current difficulties, he will work hard to live a good life and never do such sneaky things again.

The chicken-stealing boss didn't have time to listen to the flattery of his younger brothers. He led the people to the orchard and said: "Let's hurry up. If the three grandsons and grandsons in the house wake up, you can tie them up and gag them." "

The boys who were following behind kept echoing, one foot deep and the other shallow, heading towards the entrance of the chicken farm.

The four big dogs guarding the chicken farm were no longer there, and the lights in the top room were on. Apparently the barking of the dogs had woken up Aunt Tong's family. At this moment, the couple were getting dressed, holding lanterns and getting ready to go out. Look, not long after walking, several black figures rushed towards them, restrained them and tied them up with ropes. Even Qingqing, who was still sleeping in the room, could not escape.

Looking at the frightened three members of the Tong family, the chicken-stealing boss laughed proudly and waved his hand to his younger brothers to take action.

This group of people had explored the situation in the orchard during the day and easily touched the chicken coops under each fruit tree. Just when they opened the door of the chicken coop and were about to reach out to catch the fat chickens inside, a loud roar broke through the air. They were so scared that their legs softened and they sat down on the snow.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Looking at the lanterns lighting up in all directions, the chicken thief boss yelled at the group of younger brothers in panic, as if it was difficult to accept the fact that he was surrounded.

The boys were confused for a long time. They had no idea when the crowd came or when they appeared behind them and surrounded them.

"Hehe, you have such little brains and you dare to come here and become a chicken thief. God has blessed you to be alive until now. If you don't cherish it and continue to do evil, it shows that God can't stand it." Zhen'er looked at it with a smile. Looking at the frightened chicken thieves, their admiration for their eldest sister rose to a new level.

Look, the eldest sister said that the chicken thieves would come tonight, and the chicken thieves came as expected. They also called the villagers in advance to ambush them in the orchard. These stupid thieves thought that the dogs had been lured away, but they didnt know that it was the eldest sister. They deliberately let them run away after the chicken thieves, just to invite the thieves into the urn so that they could catch them all in one go!

"No, it's impossible. How could you know that someone would come to steal the chicken tonight? No, there is a traitor, there must be a traitor!" The chicken thief boss refused to admit that it was his lack of brains that led to his arrest. He glared at his younger brother. They roared wildly, with their ferocious and twisted faces, as if they wanted to eat people.

The younger brothers had no time to pay attention to the boss's roar. Seeing hundreds of villagers approaching them expressionlessly, infinite despair arose in their hearts. This time, it was impossible to escape even if they had no wings.

Seeing that these chicken thieves just gave up resistance and were captured, Mo Yan suddenly felt bored. He pinched the hairball's ears and held the rope against his hands. The villagers who had been eager to try said: "Let's tie them up first. Should we send them to the official or deal with them privately?" , Lets wait until daybreak.

Upon hearing this, the villagers swarmed over and **** a dozen chicken thieves. The Qibahu family whose chickens were stolen took advantage of this and kicked the chicken thief several times, finally getting angry.

"No, I don't want to see an official. You bitches, let me go. If you dare to touch me, I will let you die without a place to die." When the chicken-stealing boss saw the villagers coming around, he suddenly got up and used his hands sharply. Grab the villager closest to him.

Mo Yan saw that the situation was not going well and immediately shouted: "Hairball, come on!"

The hair ball obeyed the order and flew out like an arrow. The moment the chicken thief boss's hand touched the villager, he threw the person to the ground. His limbs firmly pressed the chicken thief boss, almost suffocating him. .

This time Mo Yan didn't need to explain, the villagers quickly stepped forward and **** the chicken thief. One villager, regardless of the cold, took off his socks and blocked the mouth of the chicken thief who kept shouting threats.

Men's feet usually have a not-so-pleasant smell, especially in winter when socks are not washed every day, so the smell becomes even stronger. The cock-stealing boss rolled his eyes at the smell and wished he could faint immediately.

At this time, the eight chicken thieves who had "led away" the four big dogs were also driven back by the four dogs. Their clothes were in tatters and their bodies were bruised and miserable. It was obvious at a glance that they had been severely tortured by the four dogs.

The chicken thieves who were originally envious of these eight companions shivered all over and began to feel happy. But looking at myself being **** by Wuhua, this feeling of happiness disappeared without a trace in an instant, and I regretted for the umpteenth time why I listened to the boss and walked away...

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!