Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:56:12 AM

Chapter 1099: shadow, burn

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Chapter 1099: shadow, burn

Chapter 1099 Shadow, Burn

The taste of a salted egg is not enough to satisfy the appetite of the two sisters. Xin'er couldn't help but peel two more salted eggs and ate them in a few bites.

Seeing that Xin'er wanted to take more, Mo Yan quickly stopped: "These salted eggs are delicious, but eating too many at once is not good. Peel them out quickly so that the yolks can be separated from the whites. I'm here waiting to use them!" "

Xin'er looked at the half-peeled egg in her hand tangledly, then suddenly opened her mouth wide and took a bite. While eating, she said vaguely: "A handful of grass can't kill a cow, this is the last one."

Mo Yan couldnt laugh or cry. She poked her sisters forehead with her flour-covered fingers and cursed with a smile: Greedy cat!

Xin'er chuckled, quickly peeled the remaining half of the egg, and then stuffed it into her mouth: "This salted egg is so delicious, sister, why don't you make more and sell it in rice shops? It will definitely be fresher than selling it." You can earn more money by selling eggs.

Mo Yan said silently: "Why didn't I see that you are a money addict before? You can't make enough money. You are so busy all day long that you don't even have the time to make money. What's the point of this?"

Oh, you cant blame me for being a money addict. Sister, your salted eggs are so delicious, it would be a pity not to sell them. Xiner sighed and put the yolk that had just been peeled off on a clean plate.

Mo Yan shook her head and continued to mix the flour: "Making salted eggs is a delicate job. If you want to learn, I will give you the method. You can make it yourself. If you do it well, you can ask Grandpa Li to take it to the shop to sell it. Okay, you can keep the money from the sale yourself and save it to buy a shop and open an embroidery workshop later."

Xin'er's eyes lit up and she said hurriedly: "Sister, I will learn from you. When the mooncakes are finished, you can teach me how to make them!"

Okay, Ill teach you later. Dont think its too troublesome to stop doing it halfway. Mo Yan agreed with a smile, not forgetting to get vaccinated.

"Don't worry, your sister, I'm not the kind of person who gives up halfway." Xin'er promised, patting her chest. Her mind was completely occupied by making salted eggs, selling salted eggs, saving money, buying a shop, and opening an embroidery room.

At this time, Sheng'er walked over with difficult steps, carrying another basin of freshly boiled salted eggs. For a child who is only seven or eight years old, a bowl of salted eggs is a bit heavy.

During this period of time, Sheng'er seemed to have really grown up. Mo Yan and the others didn't let her do anything before, so she wouldn't do it. Now she always tries to do it, but every time there are always accidents like this, and she always ends up with failure. end.

Sister Shenger, put it down quickly. Sister, come and get it. Xiner quickly put down the salted eggs in her hand and nervously ran over to pick up the basin: Its so heavy, why didnt you call your sister to pick it up.

Sheng'er smiled sheepishly and said in a low voice: "I have grown up and can work."

Xin'er looked at Sheng'er, who was only as tall as her chest, put down the basin and gestured with her hands, and said with a puff: "Look, you are still a child. Such strenuous work should be done by us adults."

Sheng'er seemed unconvinced. She wanted to refute but found that she didn't know what to say. She walked over dejectedly, picked up a salted egg and cracked it open on the edge of the basin, peeling the egg clumsily with her little hands.

The two sisters, Mo Yan and Xin'er, looked at each other and saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

The little girl is getting more and more open-minded. Although her temper is still soft and cute, she has learned to have her own opinions. She saw that everyone in her family was always busy, but she was the only one doing nothing and could not do anything. She looked like a useless person. You can imagine how depressed she felt.


Just as the two sisters looked at each other, Sheng'er exclaimed, squatted down and picked up the half-peeled salted egg from the ground, and said angrily: "You obviously picked it up well, why did it fall to the ground?"

As she spoke, she carefully wiped the dust stuck on the salted eggs with her fingers, and then blew hard, and she saw that the dust stuck to the salted eggs instead, and her expression became more and more frustrated.

Xin'er reached out to take the salted eggs from Sheng'er's hand and comforted: "Practice makes perfect. Peel a few more and they will definitely not fall to the ground again. Moreover, this is just a little dirty egg white. Just dig out the dirty parts. Besides, it will be fine." The egg yolk inside is clean and can be used to make mooncakes after peeling it off!"

"Yes, you are too young to hold the salted eggs because your hands are weak. Why don't you help me make mooncakes?" Mo Yan diverted Xin'er's attention while grabbing a small piece of dough from the prepared dough. , spread it out slightly, add lotus paste and egg yolk, then knead it into a ball again and put it in the mold and press it gently, and it will soon have the shape of a mooncake.

It seemed to be quite fun, and Sheng'er was quite moved. She nodded repeatedly, washed her hands and dried them in a basin filled with water. Then she followed Mo Yan's example, picked up a small lump of dough, and slowly Slowly wrap the lotus paste and egg yolk.

It will be very lively with so many people celebrating the festival tomorrow. Its a pity that Sister Liu and the others will celebrate the New Year with the Shen family, otherwise it will be even more lively. Xiner said regretfully as she put the mooncakes in the oven.

"The Shen family is not in the capital. There is nothing we can do if they can't come back. Sister Qiulan will definitely stay in the capital next year to spend time with Uncle Liu and Aunt Liu. Then we will get together again." Mo Yan also felt very sorry, but The thought of spending time together next year makes me feel better again.

Originally, when Liu Tinglan married into the Shen family, she became a member of the Shen family. In addition to giving gifts to her parents' family before the festival, she should stay at her husband's house to celebrate the festival with her husband's family. But Shen Ji felt sorry for her and was very indulgent towards her in this regard. He had already agreed to bring his parents to the capital in advance next year so that the two families could spend the holidays together, which would not only connect them emotionally but also make his wife happy.

It took six people a whole morning to make 1,400 mooncakes. After having lunch in a hurry, Mo Yan put the oven on the stove (a traditional stove, just a lot larger).

When baking mooncakes, you have to pay attention to the heat. Mo Yan didn't worry about others baking, so he sat under the stove and started adding charcoal, carefully controlling the heat in the stove.

Not long after, the sweet smell came from the oven. Mo Yan became more and more cautious, fearing that a mistake might cause the mooncakes to burn or become undercooked.

The sweet smell became stronger and stronger, and soon it overflowed the kitchen and floated outside. Not only did it attract Xin'er and the others, but even the fur ball that was napping under the corner snorted into the kitchen, with its two front paws He put it on the stove and sniffed the oven desperately, saliva dripping down, and soon the ground was wet.

Mo Yan was amused by Mao Tuan's useless look, and laughed so hard.

Hairball was not ashamed, but proud of it. He grinned at Mo Yan and drooled even more fiercely, as if he was silently urging Mo Yan to hurry up. He couldn't bear it any longer.

Fortunately, Xiaohua is not at home, otherwise, the oven would have to be flipped over. Xiner pinched Maoduans ears with a smile, and quickly backed away before Maoduans claws could grab her.

Mao Tuan opened his tiger eyes fiercely and growled at Xiner, but his claws did not move. Although this guy can't tolerate people other than Mo Yan being disrespectful to him, the king of the forest, but if the Mo family really touches its beard, it will just roar and won't really do anything to people.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived. A silver light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, and they saw Xiaohua's front paws placed neatly on the oven. At this time, the temperature on the side of the oven was already very high, and it was so hot that it screamed.

This guy couldn't bear to take off his claws, and stretched it out to poke at the oven. Mo Yan had no time to stop her while she was sitting. As a result, she screamed "Ouch" and quickly took off her paw and jumped around on the ground. It was obviously very hot.

"Ouch-ouch-" It's scalding me to death, it's scalding me to death! Xiaohua burst into tears from the pain.

Dabai, who walked in a step behind it, looked at its embarrassed appearance, with deep disdain in his cold eyes, but his four legs involuntarily approached the oven, and his two front paws moved restlessly. In the end, reason overcame the temptation of delicious food, and he slowly backed away, sitting side by side with Hairy Ball on the ground, gloating at Xiaohua, the unlucky guy, jumping around.

The golden beast, black clouded leopard, and red python also came back together. They were no longer surprised by the wailing sound of the little flower. They found a shady place and lay down, sniffing from time to time, waiting for the moment when the moon cakes came out of the pot.

Seeing the miserable condition of Xiao Hua, Mo Yan was both angry and distressed. She picked up its paw and saw that the flesh pad underneath had been burned and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye. She quickly asked Li Xiu to look at the fire and walked out of the cellar. He took out half of the unused ice that had been placed in the cellar and asked Xiaohua to put her burned front paws on it.

The ice cubes relieved the pain on her paws, and Xiaohua's screams gradually subsided. It looked at Mo Yan with an moved face, stretched out its big pink tongue and licked her hand, and called out pitifully: Yan Yan, a friend in need is a friend indeed, you are the best to me at the critical moment, I want to give you You give birth to a monkey!

Without Xue Tuanzi's on-site translation, Mo Yan didn't know what Xiao Hua was thinking. She just assumed that it knew it was wrong, stretched out her finger and poked its head hard: "I made you greedy and naughty. If you dare to act like this again, I wont take you to the city tomorrow.

When Xiaohua heard this, she ignored the pain in her paws. She stood upright and hugged Mo Yan's neck tightly with her two front paws, screaming "Ouch":

Yanyan, Yanyan, I am wrong, I am really wrong, take me there, take me there!

Bah, bah, bah, little flower, put your paws down for me!

The little flower stood upright and was more than three meters high. Unprepared, Mo Yans face was buried in the thick hair. After taking a bite of the wolf hair, she couldnt help but scream.

Seeing that she had done something wrong again, Xiaohua quickly took her paw away from Mo Yan's shoulder. The moment it hit the ground, the burn on the sole of her foot was so painful that her entire wolf face was distorted. It screamed and quickly put down its paw. On the ice.

For the next half hour, Mo Yan trained Xiao Hua like a grandson. It held the strip of clothing that was painted a miserable green and retreated, standing in the corner like a pupil who made a mistake. Mo Yan didn't say anything, and it didn't even dare to move. Dong, as for what it thinks in its heart, only it knows.

This interaction between one person and one animal made Xiner and the others laugh unkindly. Especially after pot after pot of baked mooncakes came out of the oven, and the other five beasts were happily feasting on them, Xiao Hua's pitiful look of wanting to come over, but being frightened by Mo Yan's threats and not daring to come, was so pitiful. Made them laugh all afternoon.

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