Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:24:25 AM

Chapter 11: Rescue(1)

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Chapter 11: Rescue(1)

Chapter 11 Rescue (1)

"Dad, that old man said that there is Longshi Town not far ahead. Why don't we go to the town first? Then we won't have to rush in the afternoon and rest in the town at night!" Mo Yan sipped the water from the bamboo tube. He told Mo Qingze what he had just learned from an old man passing by.

Mo Qingze looked at his youngest daughter and son sitting listlessly on the ground, then looked up at the sky and nodded, "I'm afraid the weather will change tonight, so we'll rest in the town for two days and wait for the heavy rain to pass before leaving. "

Mo Yan was still very convinced of her father's ability to read the weather. Looking at the piercing sunshine outside the shade of the trees, she couldn't help but wipe the hot sweat from her forehead! It has been half a month since they traveled through time. In the past half month, they have been traveling non-stop. Fortunately, the journey has been smooth. Apart from meeting some people who were also fleeing north, they have not encountered any villains who robbed children. thing.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

The heat has been so sweltering these two days that the two little ones can no longer bear it. If they continue to travel in the rain, they may get sick.

Masters, please be kind to me. My grandfather is seriously ill. Please let us in to see the doctor!

Yes, yes, this little girl looks so docile, she will definitely be submissive to your strong family!

Several other government officials also nodded and started cheering.

Thinking of his adult son at home, who was irritable, irritable and loved to hit others, the broad-faced government official had some thoughts. But if he did this, others would laugh at his son for being a fool who couldn't find a wife. She wants to live in a broken household and become a child bride.

Thinking of this, his face darkened, he kicked the little girl, and scolded: "The rules set by the mayor, if you want to enter the town from out of town, you have to pay ten cents per person. If you don't have money, you just smash the place." Even if you dont, I wont let you in.

That kick was so heavy that Li Yan's small body was kicked directly to the ground, and she struggled for a long time without getting up.

There were many people watching helplessly, but no one dared to say a fair word, and no one dared to step forward to help her.

The broad-faced yamen servant glanced at her disdainfully, snorted coldly, and turned around to leave. Several other government officials did not expect that their flattery was slapped on the horse's leg. They looked at each other, but they did not dare to follow and continued to stand at the door to collect "tolls."

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