Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:54:23 AM

Chapter 1135: Extra three daily life after marriage

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Chapter 1135: Extra three daily life after marriage

Chapter 1135 Extra: Daily life after the third marriage

The hair ball was sleeping in the middle of the wedding bed with its arms and legs spread out. The original intention of doing this was to separate the couple so that they could sleep next to Mo Yan, but how could Xiao Ruiyuan let it succeed? Seeing that they couldn't wake up no matter how they screamed, and it was too heavy to pull out of the bed, the couple had no choice but to squeeze in and sleep inside.

Xiao Ruiyuan was sleeping in the middle, with his back pressed against the hair ball and Mo Yan held tightly in his arms, but it wasn't crowded at all. Even though we can't have a bridal chamber, it's nice to sleep holding each other tightly like this.

They were busy with the wedding these days, and the two of them were really tired. They got on the bed, talked for a while, kissed each other inseparably, and then fell asleep.

The fur ball that "couldn't be woken up" opened its eyes faintly, feeling the hard body on its back. The tiger's eyes were full of resentment: You disgusting two-legged beast, you dare not let me sleep next to my master, I I wont let you have a bridal chamber, huh!

The next day it was bright and bright, and when the couple woke up, the hairball just "awoke".Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

It stretched its front legs across Xiao Ruiyuan and gently touched Mo Yan as a greeting. Then it climbed up from the bed with satisfaction and looked at Xiao Ruiyuan, who looked not so good-looking, proudly: "Young man, let's see if I've climbed up yet." Your bed?

Hairball, lets forget it last night, but Mo Yan deliberately kept a straight face and said in a very serious tone: Dont be like this in the future.

Although it is comfortable and reassuring to sleep with this furry guy in your arms, it is not appropriate to do so now that you are married.

Ouch I just want to sleep with you, why not? Mao Tuan felt extremely wronged. The confidence he had gained last night was instantly defeated.

Mo Yan made up her mind not to look at it, nor did she answer the question.

Xiao Ruiyuan looked thoughtfully at Mao Tuan, who lowered his head and felt sad, without saying a word. He has always been curious about the communication problem between his wife and the six-headed beasts. Last night, he saw with his own eyes that Hairy Ball was persuaded to come out to help him out. He knew that this was a very smart tiger. Maybe he could really understand human speech, otherwise he wouldn't There would be no such emotional reaction.

Although I dont know what method my wife used or whether the six beasts themselves are magical, this does not affect Xiao Ruiyuans good mood. Being able to understand human language means that you can communicate, which is better than fighting every night and using violence to force it to leave.

Unable to get the answer he wanted, Mao Tuan glanced at Mo Yan, who was unwilling to look at him. He dropped his head and jumped out of bed in frustration, moving towards the door slowly step by step.

After Mo Yan found out, he twisted its ears and gave it a severe lesson. However, hitting a stick and giving a sweet date was Mo Yan's main way to control Hair Ball. She took the opportunity to make a series of requests to Hair Ball. One of them was that Hair Ball could sleep in the couple's room, but was not allowed to go to bed. I can only sleep in my own nest.

Maodan was not happy about this request. From its point of view, sleeping in the same bed with Mo Yan was a matter of course, and Xiao Ruiyuan was the redundant one. However, it also knew that these times were different from the past, and it was worried that Mo Yan would not even let him sleep in the room when he was angry, so he reluctantly agreed.

Xiao Ruiyuan was not happy either, which meant that there was no way to be intimate with his wife on the double day. This was simply unbearable for an old man who had finally eaten meat and wanted to play the flute every day.

But who is Mo Yan? Regardless of Xiao Ruiyuan's thoughts, she was kind enough not to let him stay alone in the empty room.

On the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, Mo Yan got up very early. She hadn't had a good rest in the past few days, and even if she had a rare good night's sleep last night, she couldn't get rid of the fatigue in her eyes.

Originally, taking a bath in space would solve the problem, but Xiao Ruiyuan has been following her every step of the way these days, giving her no chance to enter space. She also locked Xue Tuanzi in a small dark room. She never had a chance to talk to him, just because she was afraid that he would forget and broadcast something inappropriate for children in front of his eyes.

"Madam, your face doesn't look good. Please put some powder on your face!" Yuanyue finished combing Mo Yan's hair, which could not be done properly for the time being. Seeing that she couldn't help but yawn, her face looked a bit unsightly, and she couldn't bear it. He kept suggesting in a low voice.

In fact, even if Mo Yan's face looked tired, it was better than most people. It's just that Yuanyue is used to seeing her original look, so she feels that her complexion is not good, and she needs to cover it up with gouache.

Hearing this, Mo Yan took a look in the bronze mirror, but the dim mirror couldn't reflect her specific face, but since it could be seen by Yuan Yue, she knew it would definitely not be any better, so she nodded and said, "Then Just pounce a little!" In his heart, he scolded Xiao Ruiyuan countless times for causing such harm.

After changing his clothes in the inner room, Xiao Ruiyuan sneezed several times. Looking at the bright sunshine outside through the window, he was worried that the weather would change. He took out a bright red cloak from the wardrobe and walked to the dressing table. He tied it on Mo Yan with his own hands: "It's very cold in the morning, so wear more clothes."

No matter how angry Mo Yan was, she was warmed by the man's considerate actions. She secretly despised herself, but she couldn't help but be cold-faced to the man: "It's been cold in spring for the past two days, so you should wear more clothes."

The girls were all there. Xiao Ruiyuan's face seemed to be covered with ice, but there were a few rays of smile in his eyes: "My husband is not cold, so you should pay more attention."

Yes, I will. Mo Yan replied with a smile, stood up and tightened the cloak around her body.

Seeing that it was almost time, Xiao Ruiyuan took Mo Yan's hand and came to the dining room. After the two had a simple breakfast, they left the General's Mansion hand in hand, sat in the carriage that had been prepared, and headed towards the North City Gate...

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