Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:53:40 AM

Chapter 1159: Extra Chapter 27 Plague Outbreak

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Chapter 1159: Extra Chapter 27 Plague Outbreak

Chapter 1159 Extra Chapter 27 Plague Outbreak

After the child was born, Mo Yan took a look at it. She really didn't pay attention to the details. As soon as she heard what her daughter said, she quickly sat up from the bed and reached out to pick up the child: "Your brothers all have the same appearance as you." Dad, it would be strange if Xiaowu looks like mother."

Xiao Ruiyuan moved faster and took the first step to hold his little son in his hands. He looked at the little guy's face carefully, and gradually a soft smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He gently placed the little guy on the bedside and looked at each other. Mo Yan looked over and said, "This kid does look like you."

Mo Yan lowered her head to look at the child, but looking horizontally and vertically, she couldn't see anything that looked like her. She couldn't help but smile and said, "You two are coaxing me. Xiao Wu's facial features are not different, how can you tell who he looks like?"

No matter how powerful the spiritual spring water was, it was not as powerful as genes. Mo Yan was still a little disappointed that none of her four sons looked like her. She was even more depressed when she saw four miniature versions of her husband's faces at the same time. , fortunately, my only daughter is more like myself, so I can finally feel comforted.

Xiao Ruiyuan shook his head and said with certainty: "Although the child has not grown, his mouth and nose do look like yours, and they will look more like you in a while."

Mo Yan sounded a little expectant, but looked at the four sons who came to the bed and stared curiously at their newborn brother, and said with a smile: "It seems better that Xiao Wu looks like you. In the future, they will grow up as brothers." When I walked out, I knew it was a kiss at the first glance."

When the four brothers heard this, they all said in unison: "It's better to be more like my mother. If you act more like us, my mother will be tired of it."

They said they were pretty, but the four of them secretly prayed in their hearts that the younger brother would look more like their father, so that there would be one more person to share the attention of the father and the eldest sister, and it wouldn't be a waste for their brothers, right?

Mo Yan didn't know the little thoughts of her sons, so she smiled and touched their heads. She felt happy and satisfied. Even though she had to go through unimaginable pain every time, she never regretted giving birth to these children.

The family talked happily for a while, and Xiao Ruiyuan kicked all the children out on the grounds that Mo Yan wanted to rest. Even the newborn Xiaoliu was taken away to avoid crying and causing noise after waking up. Mo Yan takes a rest.

Mo Yan was indeed very tired and desperately wanted to rest, but there were more important things to do right now, so she could only cheer up and said to Xiao Ruiyuan: "The heavy rain in Weizhou has hardly stopped for half a month. The terrain is not high, and the accumulated water can easily wash out the river. I dont know if there are preparations for flood prevention and disaster relief there.

"This... the officials in Weizhou must have done something. The Holy Father also issued instructions to the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household Affairs two days ago. I think everything will be fine."

Xiao Ruiyuan didn't expect his wife to care about this matter. Although he had heard about the heavy rain in Weizhou, it was not within his scope of authority, so he didn't know what was going on there. Mo Yan looked at the bright sunlight outside the window and said worriedly: "As the saying goes, 'After a major disaster, there will be a major epidemic.' If the levee in the Weizhou River section cannot be defended this time, there will be even greater trouble later."

Weizhou is located in the southeast, on the lower reaches of the Cangjiang River, the largest river in Chu. The rainy season originally started in May every year, but this year the weather was abnormal, and it started raining continuously in late March.

At that time, the ice and snow in the upper reaches of the Cangjiang River melted, and the water flow increased greatly. Then it rained continuously, and the flood never went down. Just half a month ago, the continuous rain turned into heavy rain. The river water rose even more fiercely, and the river embankments were in danger of being washed away at any time.

In the past few days, Mo Yan has been worried about the disaster in Weizhou, and she did not sleep well at night. At the moment when the Weizhou river bank burst its embankment, she suddenly sat up from her sleep, gasping for air, and was startled. Xiao Ruiyuan was sleeping next to him.

"Yan'er, what's wrong with you? Are you having nightmares again?" Xiao Ruiyuan sat up, took a piece of clothing from the shelf, put it on Mo Yan, and held her in his arms: "Don't be afraid, my husband is here. !

Mo Yan grabbed her husband's sleeve and said nervously: "I dreamed just now that the embankment in Weizhou collapsed and many people drowned."

Xiao Ruiyuan's heart tightened and he hugged him tighter: "It's just a dream, it can't be taken seriously. Besides, the people of Weizhou have been moved to a safe place. Even if Weizhou's embankment collapses, there won't be too many casualties. You Don't worry."

Mo Yan also knew that she was thinking every day and dreaming at night. No matter what, she had already done what she could do, and what would happen next was beyond her control.

She let go of her husband and said softly: "Maybe I have been having nightmares because I have been thinking too much in the past two days. It will be fine after a while. Don't worry about me. Go to bed quickly. We have an early morning tomorrow!"

"Well, you lie down first and light some soothing incense for your husband." Xiao Ruiyuan helped his wife lie on the bed, covered her with a quilt, got out of bed, touched the fire fold, and found a small piece of soothing incense from the drawer of the bedside table. The incense was lit.

While Xiao Ruiyuan was lighting incense, Mo Yan communicated with Xue Tuanzi in his mind, and learned that there was still a possibility of a plague outbreak in Weizhou, and he felt bad.

However, Xue Tuanzi was excited. It would soon break through the shackles of heaven and regain its freedom, so it reminded: "Yan Yan, you have made preparations in these years, and your medical skills are better than those of old man Du. Regardless, You dont have to worry too much about whether an epidemic will break out in Weizhou. Its just that you have to rush to Weizhou as soon as you are out of confinement, otherwise many people may die if the epidemic spreads.

There are many kinds of epidemics, and the treatment methods are also different. It may not be effective to follow the old methods and prescriptions. Once the plague breaks out in Weizhou, Mo Yan must go there in person to understand the disease so that he can prescribe the right medicine.

After listening to this, Mo Yan felt a lot more confident: "Well, I will be pregnant in a few days. I will go to Weizhou after Xiaoliu's full moon ceremony is completed, and I should be able to make it in time."

In recent years, she has been busy giving birth to children and taking care of the huge Hou family. She doesn't have much time to travel around the mountains and rivers. However, her medical skills have not failed for a day, and she has reached the level of Du's nine acupuncture. Otherwise, Emperor Hui'an was critically ill five years ago, and the entire When the hospital was helpless, she couldn't save the person with her medical skills.

Now that he has unloaded the burden of the Chu Kingdom, Emperor Hui'an is still living well at the age of seventy, and Mo Yan has the greatest credit for this.

With confidence in his heart, Mo Yan relaxed and gradually fell asleep under the influence of the soothing incense.

Within two days, the news of Weizhou's embankment breach reached the capital. Fortunately, the local people were relocated in advance, and there were no large-scale casualties. However, people still died in places that were not taken into account.

I shouldn't have interrupted the update, but the area where the tooth was extracted has become inflamed. It's swollen and painful and it's difficult to speak. I can't concentrate on typing. The extra chapter will end in a few chapters. I'll finish it as soon as possible and prepare for a new chapter. I hope it will be done after the new year. There are better works to present to everyone!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!