Published at 3rd of May 2024 05:53:35 AM

Chapter 1162: Extra Thirty: Transformation

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Chapter 1162: Extra Thirty: Transformation

Chapter 1162 Extra Thirty Transformation

After repeated tests, the newly improved prescription was confirmed to be able to prevent the disease and treat patients infected with the disease without leaving any sequelae. With Mo Yans nod, it spread across Weizhou like a fire starting a prairie fire.

There are tens of millions of people infected with the epidemic. In the eyes of Mo Yan and other doctors, these patients who have been placed in isolation points are waiting for treatment. However, the vast majority of people who are suffering from the epidemic think that they are waiting to die, just because Caring about my loved ones, I just try to survive in this world with extremely slim hope.

After hearing that a prescription to cure the epidemic had been developed, these people couldn't believe their ears. However, less than an hour after taking the first bowl of medicine, the high fever that had lasted for many days showed signs of subsidence, and they finally believed it. The decoction he drank had an effect, and his desire for life gradually ignited.

Even though he took advantage of the time difference between inside and outside the space, Mo Yan was still very tired due to his high concentration of energy. After preparing the prescription, he lay on the bed and slept hard for a whole day and night. When she woke up, exciting good news came one after another from various isolation points, which made her feel relieved.

"Yan Yan, I have nothing to do with you here. You should go back to Beijing quickly and find a place deep in the mountains and old forests for me to transform into. I can't wait any longer." In the space, Xue Tuanzi couldn't wait to urge Mo Yan, who was slowly getting dressed. Immediately give her a pair of wings and fly back overnight.

Mo Yan had no choice but to comfort her: "I've been waiting for so many years and it's only a few days. When the plague in Weizhou is completely resolved, I promise to return to Beijing immediately and go to the depths of Yuhua Mountain so that you can transform with peace of mind."

Heaven does not allow Xue Tuanzi to exist in the world. Only by accumulating enough merit can Heaven open its net. However, when it transforms, Xue Tuanzi will be punished by thunder and must find an uninhabited place. Otherwise, the thunder will If the power affects innocent people, the crime will only be placed on Xue Tuanzi's head.

Hearing this, Xue Tuanzi said unhappily: "There is nothing wrong with the medicine you prepared. It won't take long for those people to get better. Let's rush back to the capital before they get better. At that time, the space can be upgraded to the ninth level." , so you can immediately use the nine relics to help me transform, why waste your time here?"

You guy, you have planned everything! Mo Yan couldnt laugh or cry when she heard Xue Tuanzis words.

She understood the truth, but she couldn't let go of the people in Weizhou who were suffering from the plague. She was also worried that other problems would arise along the way. She couldn't leave with peace of mind until the plague crisis was completely resolved.

"Hmph, it's a major matter of freedom. How can I ignore it? If you were trapped for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, I'd like to see if you are in a hurry." Xue Tuanzi curled his lips and felt some sympathy for himself. tears.

Mo Yan gently patted the eggshell to signal Xue Tuanzi to calm down, and then asked a very important question: "After you transform into a human, you can move around freely in the world, but I have to give you You need to establish a legal identity, first tell me what identity you plan to appear in front of others?"

The snow dumpling rolled again without saying a word, obviously thinking about this issue.

Mo Yan held the egg in her arms without giving any opinion, completely letting Xue Tuanzi make her own choice.

Hey, I have it! Xue Tuanzi jumped excitedly, and the answer she spoke made Mo Yan drop the egg to the ground in shock: Yan Yan, I want to be your son.

Mo Yan stared at the egg in her arms, thinking she heard wrongly, and asked again: "What did you say? What did you say you wanted to be?"

Xue Tuanzi was feeling proud of his whimsical ideas and did not notice Mo Yan's tone. He replied enthusiastically: "Erpa, I will become yours!" This way he can lie in the warm and soft embrace of his master. Its grown up, its great!

Mo Yan looked embarrassed and didnt know how to refuse.

After receiving no praise from his master for a long time, Xue Tuanzi finally realized that something was wrong. He was extremely frustrated for a moment and asked with a hint of crying in his voice: "Yan Yan, do you dislike me? You don't want me as your 'son', do you?"

"No, it's not..." Mo Yan shook her head subconsciously, and touched the eggshell more gently to comfort the fragile little guy: "You are so cute and kind, I have always regarded you as a friend and a relative, but Xiaoliu is only two Yue, how could I give birth to a 'son' like you?"

Xue Tuanzi was stunned for a moment. He really forgot to consider the issue of time. "How about you just say that I am the child you picked up? Wouldn't that be great?"

Mo Yan thought about it and felt that this idea was feasible, but she was afraid that other people's gossip would hurt Xue Tuanzi and make her suffer unjustly, so she expressed her concerns.

Xue Tuanzi didn't care, and said in a good mood: "I'm not a real child, how can I be wronged? Besides, who really dares to provoke in front of me? Hum, I will let him walk around without eating. !

At the end, Xue Tuanzis tone was full of expectation. After such a long boring life, I finally got free. I would be sorry for myself if I didn't have some fun.

Mo Yan shuddered, and suddenly felt sympathy for those who might become amusing toys in the hands of his own weapon spirit...

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