Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:21:21 AM

Chapter 125: Fall (2)

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Chapter 125: Fall (2)

Chapter 125 Whereabouts (2)

You on the stage, the execution is about to take place, leave quickly! At this time, three quarters past noon was approaching, and the officer ran over to urge the woman to leave.

The woman burst into tears and hugged the fat brother tightly, refusing to leave. Finally, the officer became impatient and pulled her directly.

"Myolie, please go back. I don't want you to see my dead body. It doesn't look good and will scare you." The fat brother had a smile on his face and gently advised the woman to leave. When the woman was about to be killed, The officer forcibly took him away, and he finally couldn't help but ask: "If there is a next life, Myolie, would you like to be with my brother?"

The woman turned her head sharply, her eyes bursting with tears, and she shouted loudly regardless of the eyes of others: "Yes, I do! Brother, if there is a next life, you must find me as soon as possible!"

After saying that, he couldn't bear to see the tragic scene of the man being beheaded, so he covered his mouth, whimpering and pushed his way through the crowd, and rushed out without looking back.

Looking at the woman's back, the happy smile on the fat brother's face was instantly frozen when the prison officer said, "It's noon, execution."

And the moment the woman in green turned around, Mo Yan finally remembered where the feeling of familiarity came from. She hurriedly said hello to Liu Tinglan, ignored her shouts, quickly squeezed out of the crowd, and left towards the woman. Chase in the direction.

The woman's steps were very fast, and there was a distance between the two of them. Mo Yan had a hard time chasing after her. There were many people coming and going on the street. When she saw that the woman was about to disappear into the crowd, she thought out of her wits and shouted. : "Li Xiu!"

The woman didn't seem to hear her, so Mo Yan shouted a few more words loudly. When she shouted the fourth time, she clearly saw the woman's footsteps pause and she looked back.

Mo Yan felt happy, sped up and chased after him, stopping him in a small alley.

The woman's eyes were red and swollen with tears. Seeing someone blocking the road, she looked at Mo Yan warily: "What do you want to do?"

Looking at this scene, Mo Yan had a bad premonition in her heart. She thought for a moment, stopped a passing lady, pointed at the house and asked: "Madam, do you know who that rich family is? This house is awesome. Its so big!

The aunt followed her finger and looked over. Suddenly her face changed. She kindly advised: "Girl, that's not a good place. It's not a girl's place. You should go home quickly and don't come here again. Do you understand?" ?

As he said that, he urged Mo Yan to leave quickly.

When Mo Yan heard this, she felt more and more uneasy. She thanked her aunt and left in a hurry with her heart full of worries.

Beside the market entrance, Liu Tinglan was waiting anxiously. When she saw Mo Yan coming back, she hurriedly greeted her, raised her hand and slapped her on the back: "Yan Yan, where have you gone? I've been waiting for you for a long time and you won't come back." , but it made me anxious to death."

Mo Yan was moved in her heart and said guiltily: "I'm sorry, Sister Liu, I just saw a person who looked very much like an old friend of mine, so I chased after him and ran far away before I came back now."

Liu Tinglan was just worried about her friend's safety and was not really angry. After hearing this, she asked with concern: "Then have you caught up? But are you an old friend?"

It was difficult to tell her this matter clearly, so Mo Yan flustered her.

When Liu Tinglan heard this, she didnt ask any more questions. She just asked her not to do this next time so as not to meet bad people again. Mo Yan agreed repeatedly.

After taking a carriage out of the food market, Liu Tinglan suggested going to Dongshi for shopping, but Mo Yan had something on her mind and really couldn't arouse her interest, so she refused.

Liu Tinglan saw that she didn't look good, so she didn't force her. After sending her home, she declined Mo Yan's offer of a meal, got in the car and returned to her home.

Mo Yan locked herself in the room and thought blankly for a long time, not making up her mind whether to tell Grandpa Li and the others about this in advance. If the woman was really Li Xiu, but now she had ended up in a clandestine prostitute, Grandpa Li knew about it. I don't know how sad it would be.

But if you dont say it, will you continue to watch Grandpa Li running around looking for his daughter as he grows older? But if not, wouldnt Grandpa Lis joy be in vain? Although she was 80% sure that the woman was Li Xiu!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!