Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:21:20 AM

Chapter 126: The real murderer(1)

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Chapter 126: The real murderer(1)

Chapter 126 The real murderer (1)

After thinking about it, Mo Yan finally decided to tell Li Zhong about it.

If that person is really Li Xiu, naturally we can't just watch her get stuck in the mud. If not, it's not necessarily a bad thing. After all, in the eyes of the world, when a woman falls into prostitution, whether voluntarily or forced, it ruins the family tradition. Once a major incident is revealed, the Li family may not be able to bear it.

In this case, for the sake of Grandpa Lis face, this matter cannot be said outright in the open, and must be carefully planned.

In the evening, Li Zhong came back from outside exhausted. After dinner, Mo Yan sent Xin'er to watch Li Yan clean up the dishes, made herself a pot of tea, and brought it to the room.

Seeing Li Zhong sitting on the bedside, holding an old but very exquisite silver hairpin in his hand, he sighed.

Mo Yan felt sad. When she found out that the silver hairpin was Li Xiu's hairpin, Li Zhong specially asked a good silversmith to carefully make it as a gift for his daughter's hairpin.

Mo Yan poured him another cup of tea and took the opportunity to say, "Grandpa Li can ask more people to help keep an eye on him. Otherwise, how can you find someone in the sea of people?"

Li Zhong smiled bitterly, how could he not want to? However, he was short of money. Most of the previous three hundred taels of silver had been spent in a few months. How could he invite more people to help find out the information?

If he asked, the Mo family would definitely lend it to them. However, their ancestors and grandson owed enough to the Mo family, and they were still eating and drinking at the Mo family for free. How could he have the face to open his mouth to borrow money again?

Seeing this, Mo Yan changed the topic and tentatively stated his plan: "Grandpa Li, I have an idea here. You can first listen to see if it is feasible."

Mo Yan was worried about his family's affairs, and Li Zhong was grateful: "Girl Yan, tell me!"

Mo Yan smiled and said what he had thought of in the afternoon: "There are not many other things in Bei City, but there are a lot of beggars and homeless people. These people stay on the streets all day long. I must have seen many of them coming and going. "Young Master, maybe someone has met Aunt Li. As long as they can provide useful information, you can give him some reward after verification. This is better than finding a needle in a haystack by yourself, and it doesn't cost too much money."

When the time comes, she will bribe a few beggars and slowly spread the news to Grandpa Li. If the woman is really Li Xiu, then Grandpa Li will quietly take her back and reunite the family without feeling any loss of face.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!