Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:20:16 AM

Chapter 158: Trouble comes to your doorstep when you are first attracted (1)

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Chapter 158: Trouble comes to your doorstep when you are first attracted (1)

Chapter 158: Trouble comes at first sight (1)

Dabai is fine!

Mo Yan felt relieved and relaxed. A breeze blew by, and I felt a chill on my back. My nervous back was actually wet with sweat.

Seeing Mo Yan, Dabai called out to her urgently, turned around and walked in front to lead the way. Xiaohua didn't let Mo Yan come down and hurriedly followed her.

The place where Dabai walked was full of rocks and grass. It was not easy to walk at all. Xiaohua had a hard time following, and Mo Yan was swaying when she sat on its back. She wanted to get down and walk on her own, but Xiaohua didn't let her go.

Not long after, one person and two wolves came to the bottom of a cliff. At a glance, Mo Yan saw a man in black lying on a pile of rocks not far away.

Mo Yan felt nervous again. Could it be that she knew this person? Otherwise, Xiaohua wouldn't be so nervous.

Thinking of this, she quickly got off Xiaohua and ran over. When she carefully turned the person over and saw the other person's face, she couldn't help but be startled: Why is it him?

Dabai looked at Mo Yan again, bending his forelimbs in the same movement as Xiaohua carrying her.

Mo Yan understood what Dabai meant and touched its head gratefully. Regardless of being pretentious, Mo Yan quickly sat on its back to make room.

Compared to Xiaohua, Dabai's speed was faster and more stable, and he took Mo Yan to the foot of the mountain in only about two moments.

There is still forty miles to go from Liuyang Village to the city. It takes a lot of time to ride a carriage. Xiao Ruiyuan cannot bear the bumps, so it is not appropriate to send him directly to the city for medical treatment.

Mo Yan thought about it and had an idea. She released Xiao Ruiyuan and Xiaohua from the space, took off the cloth strips from his eyes, untied the cloth strips from his wrists, and asked Dabai to guard Xiao Ruiyuan. She took Xiaohua to the construction site to find Mo Qingze .

Dad, I met Mr. Xiao who was seriously injured on the mountain. Please quickly find a few people to carry Mr. Xiao down.

As soon as Mo Qingze heard that his benefactor had something to do, he didn't bother to ask any more questions. He hurriedly found a few people at the construction site, lifted a door panel, and then followed Xiaohua to the foot of the mountain to lift someone.

Mo Yan quickly walked to the hay shed, wrote a note with pen and paper and stuffed it into her purse. After Xiao Hua came back first, she tied it around its neck, touched its head and warned her repeatedly:

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