Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:24:16 AM

Chapter 17: Business Negotiated (2)

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Chapter 17: Business Negotiated (2)

Chapter 17 Business Negotiation (2)

Hearing this, Mo Yan touched the mark on her palm and thought for a moment. Finally, she had no choice but to refuse: "I'm sorry, I can't agree to this!"

Why? Shopkeeper Wang exclaimed, his face full of disbelief, and he was also a little angry.

Xiangmanlou is one of the best in the entire Longshi Town. There are countless vegetable farmers who want to provide food for Xiangmanlou, but this is a great thing that others can do to make money, but this little girl who doesnt know the heights of the world refuses.

Mo Yan also felt it was a pity, but she couldn't deceive others with her eyes open, so she explained: "To be honest, our family will leave Longshi Town in a few days to go to other places. We really can't give Xiangmanlou a long-term Serve food.

When Shopkeeper Wang heard this, his anger disappeared. He just felt it was a pity. He was silent for a moment and asked again:

How many vegetables do you have now? Can you supply them temporarily for a few days until we find a new vegetable farmer?

Thats no problem, I still have a lot of vegetables at home, and I plan to sell these vegetables to pay for my expenses!

When Yaji heard this, he thought there was a way, and he became more enthusiastic: "The rent is easy to negotiate. If you are willing, I will rent it to you for ten cents!"

Mo Yan shook his head and made a six sign with his fingers.

Yashi looked at it, his face looked a little bad, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Eight cents, no two prices, if you want to rent, we will establish a written agreement. If you think it is expensive, I can't make it any cheaper."

Mo Yan was happy and readily agreed: "Okay, eight cents is eight cents, but I only rent it for seven days."

When the toothache heard that the rental was only for seven days, his toothache suddenly ached. He slapped his head and said, "Seven days, just seven days!"

The house belongs to him, and he doesnt have to pay for it, and he wont be able to generate money if he leaves it alone. Eight cents a day is enough for him to drink, so he would be a fool not to rent it.

Afterwards, the two went back to Yahang to sign a document. Mo Yan paid the rent, took the key and quietly went to the shabby house. She estimated the weight and moved out the cabbage, tomatoes and corn that would be given to Xiang Manlou tomorrow. Put it away and wait until early tomorrow morning to notify the people from Xiangmanlou to come and take it away.

After doing all this, Mo Yan took a breath, thought for a while, then entered the space, and pulled out a lot of radishes. Out of season radishes, shopkeeper Wang must like them very much...

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