Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:24:10 AM

Chapter 21: anxiety

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Chapter 21: anxiety

Chapter 21 Uneasiness

For Mo Xin and Mo Zhen, life after arriving in the capital was even better than in Mojiacun. Here, no one will laugh at them for being motherless children, and they will not often go hungry. They can even eat eggs and meat every day, which is better than what they had during the Chinese New Year.

For Mo Yan, she has a lot to do. Seven or eight days have passed since she cleared out the small vegetable patch in the yard, sprinkled it with seasonal vegetable seeds such as greens and celery, and made the family's clothes.

As the head of the family, Mo Qingze went out early and came back late every day. Every time he came back, his face was not very good. Mo Yan asked him several times without asking the result, so he just let him go.

On this day, Mo Qingze didn't come back until dinner time, but he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Yan'er, dad has a job and will start working tomorrow. From now on, dad will support the family and you can take care of the two little ones." Mo Qingze said to Mo Yan after putting down the bowls and chopsticks.

Mo Yan was stunned for a moment, and finally understood why he went out early and came back late: "This is a good thing! But what is dad's errand?"

Mo Qingze smiled slightly: "I work as a bookkeeper for a bank, and I earn two or two dollars a month, which is enough for our family to live on!"

Two taels of silver?

Mo Yan was surprised. After being in this world for so long, he already had a deep understanding of the purchasing power of silver. After deducting the monthly rent, there is still one tael left. As long as they don't eat and drink every day, this tael of silver is enough for their family to live on, and they may even have a surplus.

She vaguely felt something was wrong. Ordinarily, her father had just arrived in the capital and had no experience as a bookkeeper. It was impossible for a place like the Silver House to deal in precious jewelry to hire a stranger to be the bookkeeper and offer such a high monthly salary. What do you think? What's wrong?

Thinking like this, Mo Yan couldn't say it directly, lest it hurt his father's self-confidence, so he had to remind him tactfully: "It's not easy to be a bookkeeper. It's not any easier than what Dad used to do."

Mo Qingze waved his hands, obviously not listening: "Dad knows what he is doing. The shopkeeper of the bank is a good man and he appreciates me very much. As long as he does his job well, there won't be any big problems."

Ill do it for you today!

After arriving in the capital for several days, she had not yet made chicken soup for her family as a tooth sacrifice. Roosters cannot lay eggs, so keeping them would be a waste of food.

After leaving the space, Mo Yan took a piece of cloth and tied the rooster in the yard.

When the two little guys saw the big rooster, they stopped fishing for "monk", and each of them couldn't put it down and touched the shiny feathers of the rooster.

Mo Yan didn't stop him. He went into the house and took the pass and put it in his sleeve pocket. He came out and said to the two little guys: "Sister is going out for a while. You two stay at home and don't go anywhere. When sister comes back, we will Ill kill this chicken for you to eat.

Hmm, lets just play at home. Sister, you have to come back early!

The two younger ones wanted to follow their elder sister, but they knew that her elder sister would definitely have something to do and it would be inconvenient for them to take them, so they agreed loudly and promised not to run around.

Mo Yan touched their heads and locked the courtyard door after going out.

The West Market is adjacent to the North City Gate, but because Chudu is so big, it takes a long time to walk there. It would take too long to go home and make lunch, so Mo Yan spent five cents on a mule cart.

The driver of the car was an old man. Hearing that Mo Yan was going to a refugee camp on the outskirts of the city, he was a little surprised: "It's quite chaotic there now. What is the girl going to do?"

Mo Yan went there this time just to see the situation there. If possible, she wanted to donate the eggs and vegetables in the space to those who had no food. This would not only free up space but also help people.

Just after hearing what the old man said, she was a little worried: "It's a mess there? Didn't it mean that the imperial court had built a house and gave out porridge every day, so how could it still be messy?"

The old man sighed: "It was fine before, and many dignitaries set up porridge shacks to give out porridge. But the war in the south has been going on, and more and more refugees have fled to the capital. Those nobles can't hold it anymore, and they are giving out porridge." There is less and less, and there is not enough to eat. Those refugees are also pitiful. In order to have more food, they can only steal other people's food. Wouldn't this cause chaos? I heard that several people were killed."

Mo Yan was horrified when she heard this. She really didnt expect that the chaos there would be so chaotic that people would be killed. It seemed that if she wanted to use the space to help those people, she would have to think of a comprehensive way first...

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