Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:24:08 AM

Chapter 22: cooperate

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Chapter 22: cooperate

Chapter 22 Cooperation

In the refugee camp, there are people lying or sitting everywhere, their eyes are empty and sad, and the whole camp is filled with an atmosphere of malaise and despair.

A young woman who was dying of illness was breastfeeding her child. The shriveled **** is like a withered pear in the mouth of a skinny child. There is actually no milk in it, but in order to comfort the child's hunger, the mother has to endure the pain of being sucked...

This scene deeply hurt Mo Yan's heart. The situation of these refugees was far worse than she imagined. She could imagine how these old and frail people who could not compete with the young and middle-aged people were going through a day. Another day of weakness continued until the last moment of his life.New novel chapters are published on

If there is no space, I am afraid that their whole family will become one of them. This thought makes her shudder.

Dragging his heavy legs and leaving the refugee camp, Mo Yans mind was filled with those longing eyes, the desire for food, the desire for survival...

If the purpose of helping these people at the beginning was to upgrade the space as soon as possible, then at this moment, she just wanted to simply help them.

She vaguely understood why every time she did something perfect, red lines would appear on the bead in the space. From a Buddhist point of view, the red lines should represent merit. When the merits are complete, the space will be upgraded, and then through Space helps more people and forms a good cycle.

She doesnt really believe that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be punished with evil, but the existence of space and the occurrence of red lines seem to be inextricably related to merit. For example, this strange rebirth, she has to treat it with caution.

When she returned home and saw the carefree smiles of her younger siblings, Mo Yan finally felt less depressed. She cheered up and started killing chickens and cooking rice under the coveted gazes of her younger siblings.

Having thought of a way, Mo Yan also put down the big stone that was weighing on her heart, and soon fell into a dark and sweet dreamland.

Early the next morning, Mo Qingze was sent away. Mo Yan was worried that he would not be able to cook in time at noon, so he made pancakes and told Xin'er and Zhen'er that if they were hungry, they could heat up the leftover chicken soup from last night and dip it into the pancakes. , gave a few careful instructions before locking the door and leaving with peace of mind.

Coincidentally, this time she met the old man who was driving yesterday.

Girl, why did you go there again?

Seeing Mo Yan, Uncle Meng was puzzled. If he said that the girl was just curious yesterday and wanted to go there to have a look, but she went there again today, it would make people think too much.

It was fate to meet the same person two days in a row. Mo Yan looked at the kind-hearted Uncle Meng and suddenly had an idea in her heart, so she didn't hide it: "I saw those people were so pitiful yesterday, so I wanted to see if there was any way to help them. "

Uncle Meng was a little surprised when he heard this. He looked her up and down. He didn't expect it was for this. But looking at the girl's clothes, it was obvious that she was not from a wealthy family. This...

Mo Yan saw his doubts and had to make up another story: "I have a distant relative who originally made a living by growing and selling vegetables. But not long ago, the old man at home suddenly passed away, and the family had to go back to their hometown. Before they left, they asked my family to help dispose of the vegetables in the field. My father was busy and couldn't spare time, and there was no other labor at home. I originally planned to let it rot in the field, but I thought so many people in the northern suburbs were starving. , its also good to give it to them to fill their bellies.

When Uncle Meng heard this, he slapped his thigh: "This is a good idea! The girl is a very kind person, and she will be blessed with great blessings in the future!"

Mo Yan felt ashamed after hearing this. She had space and was reborn, which was already a great blessing. She didn't want more...

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