Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:18:23 AM

Chapter 239: Mo Hong’s sold daughter got an uncle(7)

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Chapter 239: Mo Hong’s sold daughter got an uncle(7)

Chapter 239 Mo Hongs daughter sold and gained an uncle (7)

In the end, Mo Qingze took the household registration and went to the Yamen with the three members of the Li family to handle the deed.

A person sold into slavery is the property of his masters family and cannot acquire private property. In this way, the government will take back the ten acres of wasteland allocated to the Li family.

The ten acres of wasteland had been cleared out and planted with soybeans. The harvest was about to begin, so Mo Qingze spent ten taels of silver to buy the land and incorporated it into his family's land deed.

If the Li family wants to deregister in the future, these ten acres of land can be easily returned to them.

The matter of the body contract was quickly settled. The three members of the Li family seemed to have relieved themselves. Staying at the Mo family was more natural than before, and there were more smiles on their faces.New novel chapters are published on

However, although the two families are now masters and slaves, the Mo family respects the three Li family members very much, and the three Li family members treat the Mo family very naturally, not much different from before. But whenever they need to make a decision, Mo Yan and his daughter will be consulted in advance.

The Mo family didn't have much to do, so Li Zhong put all his energy into the orchard; Li Xiu still taught Xin'er embroidery and did some housework in his free time; Li Yan was responsible for housework, cleaning, washing and cooking, cutting grass and feeding cows wait.

The Mo family's yard is too big and needs many flowers and plants to decorate it. Mo Yan goes into the mountains to look for it almost every day. Some are digging plants, and some are collecting seeds to sow in the flower beds tomorrow spring.

The four members of the Mo family live in a small courtyard. According to each person's preference, the flowers and plants planted in each small courtyard are different. Mo Yan planted a row of bamboos next to the wall in his yard, and planted many aster orchids and other flowers and plants in the central flower bed.

With the decoration of these flowers and green plants, the yard looks much more beautiful.

Such days are fulfilling and not tiring, calm and not noisy, and comfortable and make people feel at ease. I only hope that such days can continue.

However, the red python that had been driven away would sneak in over the courtyard wall from time to time, which made Mo Yan a little upset.

Fortunately, my family members had been vaccinated before, and even though they were very scared when they saw the red python, no one fainted again.

Xin'er was still scared, but she was a brave girl. From the first time she saw the red python, her legs were trembling and she was covered in cold sweat, but later she was able to see it from a distance.

Zhen'er became so bold that he dared to touch the red python as long as Mo Yan was present. Once, the red python even let him ride on him and lead him around in order to please Mo Yan.

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