Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:24:03 AM

Chapter 25: make trouble

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Chapter 25: make trouble

Chapter 25 Making trouble

One day passed in the blink of an eye. After sending Mo Qingze away, Mo Yan told Xiner a few words and locked the courtyard door.

Standing at the door, Mo Yan could still vaguely hear the laughter of Xin'er and Zhen'er. She stared at the entrance of the alley, making sure that no one would pass by, then she stepped into the space and quickly packed the cabbage and vegetables she had packed last night. Rice moves out of space.

The whole process took less than a minute. Mo Yan was extremely lucky to have rented the house here. Walking down this alley, only his family lived. The corner was still a dead end, connected to the alley in an "L" shape. It was impossible to walk in without walking in. Can't find it.

Not long after, Uncle Meng came. Because the alley was a bit narrow and it was difficult for the mule cart to enter, Uncle Meng stopped at the entrance of the alley.

Hey, girl, how did you get so much rice?

Uncle Meng took a breath of air when he saw two baskets of white rice. You must know that ordinary farmers can only eat rice during the holidays, but now Mo Yan brought out two full baskets.

Mo Yan sighed: "Those people suffered a lot, so I thought of mixing some rice into it and cooking it into vegetable porridge. It would be thicker and nourishing when eaten."

After hearing this, Uncle Meng looked at Mo Yan with admiration in his eyes: "Girl, you are a kind and good boy, I am not as good as you! But rice is expensive, how long can you last like this?"

Full of goodwill, Mo Yan felt that Uncle Meng was a kind and good man: "Uncle Meng, thank you for reminding me, I will never be like this again!"

Seeing Mo Yan's discomfort, Lin Yong snorted coldly. Those people smiled and dispersed one by one and stood in a neat manner.

Under the leadership of Lin Yong and others, Uncle Meng drove a mule cart to an empty porridge shed in the camp. The stoves here were all good, there were two large pots, and there was a lot of firewood piled on the ground. Lin Yong called on the tribesmen to pick them up yesterday. From now on, this is where they will give porridge.

Lifting the oilcloth, Lin Da and others rubbed their eyes in disbelief. They were extremely excited. It was rice, two whole baskets of white rice! They have been here for so long and have eaten almost all brown rice porridge and old rice porridge. They have only eaten such good rice two or three times, but they are already very satisfied. Now Miss Mo has brought so much.

Lin Yong was also shocked. He stared at the rice in a daze for a while, then suddenly walked up to Mo Yan and solemnly saluted with clasped fists: "Miss Mo, I won't thank you for your kindness. I will do whatever it takes for me, Lin Yong, to be of use in the future." Never give up!"

Mo Yan was startled, and waved her hands repeatedly: "You don't have to do this, this is just a little thought of mine, and I don't need you to repay me with anything. It's just that my family is not rich, and this doesn't happen every day."

Lin Yong was not disappointed at all after hearing this: "I just hope Miss Mo won't embarrass me! As I said again, whenever Miss Mo can be of use to me, I will give up my life."

Mo Yan knew that with Lin Yong's character, he would not take back what he said, so he had no choice but to let him go.

There is strength in numbers, so those people did everything well without Mo Yan doing much. At this time, the pot was boiling, and the fragrance of rice mixed with the sweetness of cabbage filled the air. Lin Da and others who were maintaining order twitched their noses and swallowed unconsciously.

At this moment, Zhang Hu, who had a feud with Lin Yong, also brought more than a dozen of his younger brothers over to get a share of the pie. However, when he saw Lin Yong who was freezing in front of the stove, he felt a dull pain in his waist and abdomen. He spat a mouthful of phlegm on the ground and left with his brothers unwillingly.

This scene happened to be seen by Lin Yong. He just saw Zhang Hus interest and was too lazy to pay attention to it. However, not long after, Zhang Hu left and returned, bringing a large group of people with him...

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