Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:18:09 AM

Chapter 251: Decided to make a small profit (3)

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Chapter 251: Decided to make a small profit (3)

Chapter 251 I made a small profit and decided to take action (3)

After all the fruits were put into the jar and brewed, Mo Yan put the little furball that had fallen asleep on the ground into the basin, gave it a bath and dried it, then took it out of the room, hugged it and lay on the bed. Fell asleep.

It's just that this night, Mo Yan didn't sleep peacefully. She started to have nightmares again!

Compared with the previous nightmare, the scene in this dream was even more tragic. Both were caused by eating moldy rice and caused a painful death.

In the dream, those people who were dying in horrible ways kept crawling on the ground, reaching out their pale and cold hands to grab Mo Yan in the direction of where she was, as if they could be saved if they caught her!

Child, save my child, please save my child!

Save us, we dont want to die, come and save us!

Save us, come and save us quickly!

hold on! hold on! If she would have this kind of dream for no reason in the future, she would try her best to find a way to solve the problem of mold and avoid the tragic things in the dream from happening. She didn't want to be unable to sleep peacefully in the future.

Having had a nightmare all night, Mo Yan's body was sticky. She put the small hair ball on the bed and went into the space to take a shower. After she felt comfortable all over, the little furball lay on the pillow and fell asleep again.

After touching its fur head, Mo Yan felt sleepy, so she hugged the little fur ball and planned to take a nap. This time, one person and one tiger slept very peacefully.

There are a lot of soybean stalks in the thirty acres of land, and the open space in front of Mos house is full of them. The weather was good today, so Li Zhong asked a dozen villagers to help spread the bundled soybeans to dry. Even if there were ten acres of open space in front of the Mo family house, it would not be enough to spread out the whole lot, so we could only come in batches of one, two or three.

The sun was blazing at noon, and the soybean stems that had been exposed to the sun all morning had hardened. The pods popped open unconsciously, and the small soybeans inside popped out, and they hit the oilcloth with a crackling sound.

The little hairballs are very rare. Just looking at them is not enough. They run into the soybean stems and try to pounce on the popped soybeans. As a result, as soon as his foot stepped on the soybean stem, the pods that were about to burst could not withstand the pressure and exploded under the little guy's feet one after another, which actually shocked him.

The little furball let out a threatening growl, apparently thinking that he was being attacked by a pod. This dazed little appearance made Mo Yan laugh.

Xin'er Zhen'er was so excited that she quickly took off her shoes, wrapped her feet in cotton cloth, then ran to the soybean stems and stepped on them. The beans exploded even more, and the two guys stepped on them more vigorously.

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