Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:17:47 AM

Chapter 269: Buy land to open up wasteland and fool Xiaohua (6)

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Chapter 269: Buy land to open up wasteland and fool Xiaohua (6)

Chapter 269 Buying land to open up wasteland and fooling little flowers (6)

Mo Yan collected the medicinal seeds and collected the eggs in the fence. Seeing the densely packed chickens in the fence was enough to make her dizzy even if she wasn't suffering from intensive fear.

In fact, as long as there are no roosters, the eggs laid by these chickens cannot hatch into chicks. However, the time difference between inside and outside the space was too great. Before she could finish the previous batch of roosters, the next batch of roosters were hatched.

She also relies on two hands to catch the chickens. It is impossible to catch so many roosters at once. She can only catch the roosters, kill them and eat them every time.

Now she also has a group of chickens in the backyard, all of which are roosters that she caught from the space. She told her family that she bought them on the street and kept them for later eating.

Because of this, Li Zhong talked about it for several days, saying that he should buy hens that were more nutritious and tasted better.

Mo Yan has already thought about it. When the price of chicken rises, he will spend a few days catching all the roosters. Then, as before, he will secretly rent a place, put the roosters in, and sell them in bulk to Huixianju.

This wolf is more majestic than Xiaohua, and his eldest sister is so powerful.

No, it just came to look at the house today and recognize the door. It will go back to the mountains later. Dont tell the people in the village that there is a wolf in our house, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

Mo Yan warned the little guys seriously. It's not that she is unfounded, but there are more than one or two people in the village who dislike their family. If a chicken or a duck is lost in their family, it might be due to Xiaohua and Dabai, and who knows what will happen to them by then. What comes.

If these people have bad intentions towards the two guys and want to do something to them, and are bitten and scratched by the resisting Xiaohua Dabai, the matter will probably become even bigger. From now on, not to mention Dabai, even Xiaohua will not be able to stay at home peacefully.

Even to save her family from trouble, she didnt want the news of a wolf at home to spread outside.

The younger ones didnt know why they couldnt speak, but they always listened to Mo Yans words, so they agreed immediately. Zhen'er still has some regrets. He originally wanted to take Dabai to the village to show off to his friends!

Dabai came to Mos house for the first time and walked around in a very strange way. When it ran to Mo Yan's yard and saw Xiao Hua living alone in a warm and clean cabin, it decisively lay down in it and blocked Xiao Hua outside.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!