Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:17:37 AM

Chapter 278: A farce requires buying a shop (7)

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Chapter 278: A farce requires buying a shop (7)

Chapter 278 A farce requires buying a shop (7)

Since she has made up her mind to buy the Zhang family's shop, Mo Yan has to keep an eye on the Zhang family's activities. It's just that she can't go to the city every day, nor can she keep an eye on it in person, so she can only find someone to help with this matter.

So she went to Huixianju and found Xiao Zhu, hoping that he could find a reliable person to keep an eye on the matter.

This matter is not difficult to handle. After Xiao Zhu heard about it, he agreed immediately.

Mo Yan quickly thanked him and took out ten taels of silver from his purse and handed it to him. Five taels were thanked by Xiaozhu for his help, and the other 5 taels were asked to be handed over to the person who helped. After the matter was over, another five taels would be given.

This work is just a matter of words. Xiao Zhu refuses to die for his five taels. In the end, Mo Yan pretended to be angry and said that he would ask someone for help if he didn't want to take the money, so he took it embarrassedly.

After returning home, neither of them told Li Xiu about the Zhang family's affairs. Telling them would only cause trouble and remind her of the past that she couldn't bear to look back on.

Its the end of September in a blink of an eye. After an autumn rain, the temperature is already very low. You have to wear a thin cotton jacket and thin cotton trousers to avoid feeling cold.

After more than half a month of digging, Mo's small pond was dug before it rained. The small pond is not large, about an acre, and has a depth of three meters. The excavated mud surrounds the pond, and it looks like it is four or five meters deep. After the channel from the spring to the pond was dug, the spring water flowed into the pond, and the pond was quickly filled with water.New novel chapters are published on

When Mo Yan saw him, he knew there was something going on in the Zhang family. It was inevitable that Li Xiu would hear it, and he quickly took the people to the big study.

Brother Zhu, is the Zhang family going to sell the shop? After waiting for so long and still not getting any news, she thought the Zhang family would insist on not selling the shop!

Xiao Zhu nodded and said: "Recently, the Zhang family has been contacting friends in the business world and wants to sell the shop to raise capital for other businesses. However, seeing that the Zhang family has declined, his friends have lowered the price very low. That Zhang Fugui Too few and unwilling to take action."

Mo Yan was not surprised that such a situation occurred. In the business world, interests are always intertwined. Now that the Zhang family is in trouble and there is no profit to be made, the so-called friends can only extract the last layer of oil from the Zhang family.

How much money does the Zhang family need before they are willing to part with it? How much do his friends have to pay?

Xiao Zhu stretched out four fingers: "Zhang Fugui said he would not sell it for less than this amount. His friends with the largest number were only willing to give 2,500 taels."

Mo Yan frowned, secretly calculating how much money he still had available.

The family earned 3,500 taels of silver from selling vegetables. They received a thank you gift of 1,500 taels for saving Xiao Ruiyuan twice, and more than 600 taels of compensation from Yan Junyu to their family, which added up to a total of 5,600 taels of silver.

Later, we spent 1,700 taels on building a house, nearly 200 taels on buying land, and nearly 100 taels on my father's education, which added up to two thousand taels. After deducting these expenses, the remaining money in the family was only Three thousand six hundred taels.

Through this calculation, buying a shop seems not enough...

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