Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:17:24 AM

Chapter 291: The store is open and business is booming (5)

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Chapter 291: The store is open and business is booming (5)

Chapter 291 The store is open and business is booming (5)

Mo Yan happily agreed. The combined lowland and sloping land totaled more than 100 acres. The rice seeds in the space were also high-yielding rice seeds developed in previous lives. With the blessing of spiritual spring water, it would not be a problem to produce one thousand to five hundred kilograms per acre. If you cant eat it at your own rice shop, it would be a good idea to sell it to Huixianju.

As for the rest, it will be sold as grain seeds. It would also be a good thing if this kind of high-yielding rice was promoted in Dachu.

Under the premise that the rice yield per mu is less than 400 kilograms, my own rice yield per mu is so high, so I have to think of a reasonable reason. Spring water can be used for irrigation, and good water and soil can be used, but this is not enough.

Seeing that more and more people were attracted by the smell of rice and that the auspicious time had come, Li Zhong took out a long string of firecrackers, hung them on a bamboo pole and lit them.

Amidst the bursts of loud firecrackers, Mo Qingze cupped his hands toward everyone, and with a smile on his face, he unveiled the red silk covering the signboard above the door.

A woman wearing a gold hairpin twisted a handful of rice, looked at it carefully, and smelled it. She liked it very much, but the price made her very dissatisfied.

Mo Yan was not angry at being picked on, with a confident smile on his face: "My rice is more expensive than other families, so there is a reason why it is expensive. Ordinary shops sell gold and silver jewelry and people buy it, but the jewelry from Duobao Pavilion is so expensive." Even if it is expensive, some people still spend a lot of money to buy it. The same is true for my rice. It is now open for business and the price can be 20% cheaper. It is the same price as other rice. If your wife is worried that it is not delicious, you can try the wooden steamer first. If you think the rice in it is good, buy some and try it out. If your family likes it, you can buy more next time, but at that time it will be sold at the original price."

Li Yan on the side listened and cleverly ran to the small kitchen to bring out a big bowl. She filled the rice from the wooden steamer at the door and brought it in. There were also several clean wooden spoons on the plate.

The woman was hesitant, picked up a wooden spoon, scooped out a spoonful of steaming rice, and put it into her mouth hesitantly. The moment the rice entered her mouth, the woman's eyes lit up and she chewed it carefully. The more she ate, the more delicious the rice became.

After swallowing a mouthful of rice, she couldn't wait to say: "This rice is so delicious. Give me a hundred catties of this rice first."

Okay! Mo Yan Dale quickly opened the linen bag at hand and asked Li Xiu to put rice in it. After the rice was packed and weighed, the woman received a total of four hundred coins.

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