Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:17:14 AM

Chapter 299: Hu's birth plan should not be pursued by Wu's (1)

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Chapter 299: Hu's birth plan should not be pursued by Wu's (1)

Chapter 299: The Hu family is making plans, and the Wu family is asking for help (1)

Even though Li Zhong is old and inflexible, he is still much better than Hu, who is also old and fat. Seeing her bumping into her regardless of her, he didn't resist and took two steps to the side. It was just a pity that the heavy blow just now didn't hit Zhang Ming's face.

Mr. Hu was not so lucky. He did not hit anyone with his brute strength. He threw himself straight towards the ground and came into close contact with the cold hard ground. He made a muffled "bang" sound and watched the fun. Everyone felt sorry for her.

Oh my god, is there any law for committing murder in the street? My old lady just wants to take her daughter-in-law back to reunite with her family, but that little guy just wont let her go. Wow, my life is so miserable

Hu simply lay on the ground unable to get up, weeping and wiping away her tears as she told her grievances. Her tearful look made her look a bit pitiful indeed.

The more onlookers pointed at her, the harder she cried. When she heard someone criticizing Li Zhong for holding his daughter, she felt happy.

Dont think Im just joking. If you push me too hard, your family will be killed sooner or later! Get out of here and dont come back again!

Li Zhong said and gave him another hard kick. He was disgusted by even looking at this cowardly and incompetent man who was controlled by his own mother. I only regretted that I was blind, so I fell in love with such a idiot and ruined my daughter's life.

Father-in-law, dont, dont fight!

This lesson made Zhang Ming feel deeply afraid of Li Zhong. He quickly broke away from Li Zhong's hand. Under his frightening eyes, he staggered over and helped the man up half-hugging him.

No, I wont leave. I want to take my daughter-in-law back. I want to take my daughter-in-law back. You unfilial son, please let me go. I wont leave

If Hu fails to achieve his goal, he will leave willingly! She screamed for Zhang Ming to let her go, but Zhang Ming was so frightened by Li Zhong that he didn't know where he got the strength and dragged him away in one breath.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!